Uke 49 - Speiltenking

The Gene - An Intimate History, p. 329: Mirror Writing

Medicine, the sociologist Everett Hughes (1897-1983) once observed wryly, perceives the world through "mirror writing". Illness is used to define wellness. Abnormalcy marks the boundaries of normalcy. Deviance demarcates the limits of conformity. This mirror writing can result in an esically perverse vision of tje human body. An orthopedrist thus begins to think of bones sites of fractures; a brain, in a neurologist's imagination, is a place where memories are lost. There is an old story, probably apocryphal, of a boston surgeon who did lose his memory ad could only recall his friends by the names of the various operations he had performed on them.

Min tolkning er at man innen medisin betrakter sykdom som normaltilstanden, mens vi friske er avvikere som må korrigeres med nye sykdommer og nye medikamenter…

Detteer noe helt annet enn speilskrift som bl.a. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)bedrev:

Activity: Mirror Write, Museum of Science

Mirror Write, WikiHow,