Caring For Our Environment


Caring for our environment can help make our world a better place. If we don’t care for our environment, then it can affect us. We all have a role to play in protecting our environment. Here are some important reasons why we should care for our environment.

Human Health

Our health is determined by our environment. Outdoor pollution can cause asthma, as well as bronchitis. Outdoor pollution can also affect the quality of our food which may lead to indigestion and the presence of/appearance of dangerous toxins. The safer the environment, the better the chance to have a healthy life.


The way we treat the environment affects animals. Multiple animals are at risk of extinction. If we want to protect the animals, we must do our best to protect their habitats. This can mean reducing pollution and travelling responsibly. We can also support eco-tourism efforts which protect wildlife. In doing so, we can learn how to save our environment.

Protecting Natural Resources

Natural resources on our planet are very limited, which can affect our communities. However, making sustainable and renewable choices in our lives can preserve these natural resources. That can mean using less plastic and having eco-friendly products. These are simple practices that people can add to their daily habits.

Climate Change

As Earth's temperature rises due to human activity, we see more dangerous weather patterns. Humans have created amounts of carbon dioxide. For the future of our planet, we must combat climate change and make an effort to protect our environment.

Economic Growth

Protection of our environment can help with the economy. Our healthy environment can increase nature tourism and encourage responsible travel practices. Tourism is a huge contributor to the economy and it helps with jobs and much more.

Page layout by Puneet Singh