Friday the 13th Parts 1 & 2 Review

By Dean Trail

“I’m a messenger of God. You’re doomed if you stay here!” - Crazy Ralph

Content Warning-Violence, Sex, Alcohol, and Bigotry

With Halloween just around the corner, maybe you are looking for a little entertainment with a good, or bad, movie. To get you in the mood for a little gratuitous blood and guts, I am going to give you a few quick thoughts on the Friday the 13th films.

The first 2 Friday the 13th movies are classic slasher films, the second encapsulates the genre better than any other film while the original is less renowned (also not being nearly as good) and skippable; however, the 2nd is still worth the watch if you love the slashers enough. Unfortunately, the acting in the first film is frequently bad (part 2 isn't nearly as bad), they both contain sexist remarks, the first contains mocking of Native Americans and a (real) snake being murdered, and the sequel contains the R-slur.

Overall, the second movie is a; must watch for slasher fans, well worth the watch for horror fans, and enjoyable for most people. Unfortunately, while the first film is enjoyable for slasher fans, it is not worth the watch for people who aren't really fans of the genre. Part 1 is mostly propped up by its marketing, nostalgia, and a few great scenes. Some of the memorable scenes are the arrow kill, every scene with Crazy Ralph, and the ending (which is heavily recapped in the second film).

Now for a rating. Personally, here’s how I would rank the Friday the 13th films. 

Part 1


Can be fun, but pretty poor quality

Part 2


Enjoyable enough that it's shortcomings can be ignored

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