Jokes and Riddles

What do you call a grizzly bear in the rain?

A drizzly bear

Why are babies born on March 31st so easy to prank on April Fools day?

Because they were literally born yesterday

What is a soldier's favourite month?


Fun Fact:

The Chicago River is dyed green every year in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. This tradition has happened annually since 1962!

Q: What goes up when rain comes down?

A: Umbrellas

Q: I don't have wings, but I can fly. I have a tail and I am very colourful, but I am not a bird. What am I?

A: A kite

Q: What has many keys but can't open a single door?

A: A piano

What kind of bow can't be tied?

A rainbow!

Page layout by Abby Guy