Staying Balanced in High School

Avery L. Glaude

High school and middle school, in general, can be a challenge. There are days when students don’t feel like going to school or being productive. It’s hard to find a balance between doing what we want to do and doing what we need to do. We’ve all been there. With the first semester coming to an end, I want to share what’s been working for me, and also share tips from some other Ravens.

Tip 1: Use an Agenda

Agendas are a life-saver. An agenda can help you to remember when you need to be places, when things are due, and how to balance out your workload. It helps me balance out my study periods, and plan out how much time I want to focus on homework daily, so that I can still do all my activities. If you’ve got a busy schedule, an agenda will help you plan out when, and how much time to invest in work. To be truthful, I almost forgot about homework once during middle school, and if it weren’t for my agenda, I would’ve completely forgotten! Agendas will keep you on track, and can help guide you to remembering due dates, important information, and events.

“Schedule, prioritize school work, balance out activities and cancel non-needed activities for schoolwork” - Grade 9 Raven Rim Najib.

Tip 2: Do it Right Away

It’s tempting to procrastinate when teachers throw lots of homework at you. I’ve learned the hard way that procrastination will only make things worse. Coming from someone who’s procrastinated in the past, I recommend you try your best not to. It may seem like you’ll have more time, but in the end, it hangs over you like a dark cloud and can take your well-deserved evenings away. Getting your work done early means you don’t have to stress and worry about it late at night and you can enjoy your afternoons and evenings more.

Also, when you and your friends are supposed to hang out, if you get work out of the way, you won’t have to worry about doing it after hanging out! I had to learn it the hard way during middle school, and when I started high school, I knew I couldn’t do it anymore, it was a bad habit for me. I eventually stopped, and it has changed my life for the better!

“Basically, I try and do the majority of my homework right when I get home, so I have time to do other things after, since most of my homework is done.”- Grade 9 Raven Charlotte Kinnear

Tip 3: Take Breaks with Fresh Air

If you’re trying to stay balanced throughout middle or high school, you should consider this. Say you do homework for a certain period of time, it helps if you take a break to go outside and enjoy yourself! Going outside can really reset your mind, and when you come back in you’ll feel more reset and fresh. Going outside, getting fresh air, and using your energy can help you stay focused.

Any sort of activity works for going outside, there are countless ideas. A walk, a jog, a skate, or sledding down the hill are all good options. I personally like to go to places I may have never seen—not too far of course–but you get the point. Going outside is always a great idea for mental health, and it can help you stay balanced .

“ Schedule for work, leave time for myself to do activities, make sure to not over-work for more than 2 hours” - Grade 9 Raven student Zach.

Tip 4: Use Less Social Media

As we all know, social media has its pros and cons, just like everything else. In this generation, it’s something we have to be careful not to over-consume. Checking messages, using Snapchat, Instagram, and Tiktok is normal, but using it to an extent where it impacts your social life, school life, and mental health is crossing the line. My biggest tip is to try and set time limits, so that you STILL can use it to text and engage with friends, but with balance.

If you balance out your social media with your life, it will help you be more balanced, and stay less distracted. Social media can impact schoolwork, so I recommend putting it on "do not disturb" or "airplane mode". You can even move your device to a different room to minimize distractions. Being distracted by social media can impact and drag you down, and it can take you away from motivation.

Research shows that social media can have a negative impact on mental health and self-esteem. Make sure to put limits on social media and to always take breaks to do the things you enjoy in the real world!

“Never procrastinate, give myself breaks, and do the classwork after school” -Grade 9 Raven Tamima Rashid.

Tip 5: Don’t Multitask

You may think, “If I multitask, I can achieve more”, but that isn’t always entirely correct. Multitasking can distract you from your task and get you sidetracked. By only doing one thing at a time, you can check it off your list. Trying to do 3 things at once might mean you don’t get any of them done. Multitasking sounds like a great idea, “maybe to save time”, but it doesn’t always work out well. Say you're in a rush, it’ll slow you down, and you’ll end up more stressed out.

“Have ‘hours maximum’ to do school work, like no more than 2 hours. I balance my time out to do stuff I enjoy”, Grade 9 Raven, David Yom.

Some More Quotes from Ravens that Can Help as Well!

“I just try to get my work done and I don’t wait for the last minute so I can still hang out with people, and I try to keep my binder organized.” - Grade 9 student.

“I try to organize my time so that I have that balance, and not spend all my time on one thing. I’ll spend 2 hours a day for school, catching up, then from 7:00-9:00 relaxing” - Grade 9 Raven student.

“To balance my work and other activities, as well as social time, I like to have a schedule that tells me when activities are happening, but, having the freedom to skip the plans to be able to stay up and catch up at school. I try to finish the work for the week on Friday, or earlier so the weekend is free to socialize! I also try to stay focused and productive in class, so I have more time for extracurricular activities and hanging out!”- Grade 9 Raven student Lauren.

“I would say, figuring out your priorities is what’s most important. Once you know what’s most important to you, it makes it so much easier to plan events or activities around that. Finding a balance doesn’t mean eliminating things you want to do, it just means finding the time to do them.” - Grade 9 Raven student, Eden Stevens.

“Balance, do time management, give time for sleep and have a good schedule, and don’t waste time” - Grade 9 Raven student, Muminah.

“I would say, when it comes to balancing high school and life, it really comes down to taking a pause and thinking everything through. Always making sure that you’re in the right state, to make good decisions, and having a plan to follow.” - Grade 9 Raven student, Hannah Noble.

Source: Top 20 Ways to Stay Productive at Work:

Page layout by Harry James Gonzales