Short Story: "Bridge Under The Shimmering Waters"

Joy Keke

Bridge Under The Shimmering Waters

August 2nd, 1989

Dear Journal,

Boy, do I have some news to tell you today! What happened is that the sweet boy named Sunny and I went out on a date! Now, you are probably wondering where that is. Well, we decided to meet up at a tennis court. Unfortunately, he accidentally told me the wrong location and I ended up being 30 minutes late. I finally found the place I had been searching for, but then soon figured out that I used to go to this park a lot when I lived in that area. I felt a bit embarrassed about getting lost. Maybe my brain wanted to suppress the petrifying memories I have from living there. I found him standing next to the tennis court. He was wearing a black shirt and ripped blue jeans.

“Hey,” I said nervously.

“Hey,” he said back to me, looking at me with his chestnut eyes.

He grabbed his tennis racket from his backpack and said, “While you were gone, I went out to look for some tennis balls that I accidentally hit into the woods”.

“It was kinda eerie, it felt like I was in a horror film.”

We played tennis for a while. Needless to say, we both sucked at it, but at least we sucked at it together. Then we took our bikes and rode all the way over to Gravetane Bridge. The weather was beautiful. The water was shimmering just as bright as the stars at night. I don't exactly remember what he was talking about, but I remember the warm embrace of his enchanting voice. We went down and put our bikes on the grass, sitting on the nearest bench.

“I’m glad I got to spend time with you today, Luna”, Sunny said.

“Thanks. I'm glad I got to spend time with you as well.”

In a split-second decision, I decided to kiss him on the cheek. He ended up kissing me back on the cheek and offered to kiss me on the lips. I accepted and we pecked our lips together like two hummingbirds. After that, we cuddled on the bench for a bit. I was just about to take off until he said, “ the way Luna, I forgot to give you your gift”.

He reached into his back pocket, and when he opened his palm, I saw a charm.

From Joy's sketchbook

“This is an evil eye charm”, he said.

“So, you wanna curse me”, I replied jokingly.

“No, in Greek culture you give this as a gift to people you wanna protect from negative energy. So here is my gift to you, Luna”.

He put his hand on top of mine and I stuffed my new charm into my purse. Then I started biking home.

Page layout by Puneet Singh