*Community Circle*

Warm- Up Activity

The Line-Up

Find a place away from the circle to line up in a specific order. This time, students and staff will line up alphabetically according to last name. The front of the line will be last names starting with A and the end of the line will be last names starting with Z. Circle members must communicate with one another to make sure they are in the correct order. When you think you are done, each member will say their last name out loud to make sure it was done correctly. You will then sit back down in the circle in the same order that you lined up in.

Circle Questions

Lets focus on "perspective" today...

  • Share about a time you disagreed with a friend. How did you handle it?

  • Why is it valuable to learn about the perspectives of others?

  • Share a time that your opinion changed. What caused it to change?

Closing Activity

Hands In!

All group members will put a hand in the middle of the circle. One member will yell "1, 2, 3" and then all members will yell out their advisory team name in unison.