Distance Learning

May 4th - 8th

Reminders from Admin:

Great job with Distance Learning iMiddle students! It has been so nice seeing your faces during Zooms and Google Meets as well. If you have friends that are still not completing any work or attending any sessions, please encourage them to contact their teachers or Mr. Will or Ms. Prchal



Food Distribution and Feeding San Diego:

There are many resources available to our families during this unprecedented time. Click here for the list of sites where food pick up is available for students, as well as info on feeding the whole family.

211 San Diego also has resources on food, housing, financial income, health, utility and other resources that may help those in need.


If you ever need to reach out to Ms. O'Donnell you can let her know by filling out this form: Request for contact from Ms O'Donnell

She is available to talk on the phone, on video chat or by email.

Resources from the CDC regarding how to manage stress and anxiety around COVID-19. Includes info for kids, teens and adults

Staying Healthy

  1. Avoid close contact. - Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too. Don't share your food or drink.
  2. Stay home when you are sick. - If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others.
  3. Cover your mouth and nose. - Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. You can also cough or sneeze into your elbow/shoulder. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. Flu and other serious respiratory illnesses, are spread by cough, sneezing, or unclean hands.
  4. Clean your hands. - Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. You should wash for 20 seconds (sing the ABC's). If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. - Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
  6. Practice other good health habits. - Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
  7. Wear a mask when you go outside.- The CDC now recommends if you do have to go outside to wear a mask. You can create your own. Here is a link to a no sew design. Remember it is better to stay at home, but the mask will provide some protection if you have to go out and help limit your ability to spread the virus if you are sick but do not have symptoms.

Please fill out this form on any day that you participate in learning at iMiddle!

In addition to filling out the above form daily, please know that for the district to mark you as present you must attempt the work before Friday at 3 o’clock. If you need more time or are having trouble, email your teacher before 3 o’clock on Friday and let them know. Please be sure to attempt work and check in with all of your teachers.

Advisory/iMiddle News


Miss your advisory meeting this week? Here is another option:

Unfortunately, our Genius Hour Showcase is yet another thing that will not happen due to the pandemic. Please share your project idea (and results if you can) with 3 people. Tell them what you did, how far you got, and if you were successful. Ask for their feedback on the idea and if they have any ideas on how to make it better. Take note of the responses and be mindful of the feedback for future projects!

Teacher Meeting Times (Please check your teacher pages or emails for more information)

  • Engan - Monday @ 10 am (see email or calendar for join code/link)
  • Klinefelter - Monday @ 8:30 am
  • Nusser- Monday 10:00 am (see email titled "advisory" for joining info)
  • Poland - Monday @ 10:30 am (see email for join code - We will use Google Meet)
  • Seager - Monday @ 1:30 pm (see email for link)
  • Urbino-Monday @ 11am( see email for invitation/link or Classroom)
  • Vosburgh- Monday Zoom meeting @10am (see your own imiddlesd.com calendar for the link)

6th Grade Distance Learning - Click to See


Please open the class sites below for daily instructions and resources.

Ladeby 6th Grade ELA - periods 3 and 4

Engan 6th Grade ELA - Periods 1 and 6

Office Hours:

9 am Tuesdays and Thursday (by appointment); all 6th grade ELA/History Meetings at 1:00 on Tuesdays and 10:00 on Fridays (a zoom link will be sent to your imiddlesd email)

Please reach out on email anytime:


Watch this Distance-Learning video for a quick overview of how to access content and navigate the class page.

Please check Mr. Moreno's Class Page everyday. Periods 1-4, please subscribe to this HW Calendar. Period 6, please subscribe to this HW Calendar. Regular live-video meetings (using Zoom) and regular office hours are scheduled on HW Calendars. Email: rmoreno1@sandi.net


Learning Assignments :https://sites.google.com/a/imiddlesd.com/mr-vosburgh--science-classes/6th-grade-science

This week starts with Practice Tests and Kahoot Reviews to get ready for the Weather and Climate Unit Test by the end of this week.

Weather and Climate Practice Test (available starting Sunday 5/3 closes on 5/6 at Midnight)- is on Canvas and you can attempt it as many times as you would like. https://sandiegounified.instructure.com/

Kahoot Review Challenge (available right now and closes on 5/6 at 11pm) Make sure to sign in for your period's Kahoot with your actual name to earn credit. Link for the Kahoot is in the calendar

Weather and Climate Unit Test - Login to Canvas and attempt the Unit test starting at 7am on Thursday 5/7. https://sandiegounified.instructure.com/

Remember, to login to your OneNote you need to use your StudentID#@stu.sandi.net

Email: bvosburgh@sandi.net or ghenry@sandi.net

Class Period Meetings: (Using Zoom) are scheduled on Student Google Calendars. Please be on time

Office Hours :

Mr. Vosburgh and Mr. Henry- Monday and Thursday at 2:00 pm-2:30 pm (the link is posted on your Google Calendar) Please be on time at 2:00pm.

Social Studies:

Go to Class Website for assignments. Class assignments will be completed on Canvas.

Office Hours:

Email me with any questions at any time.

Class Meetings:

all 6th grade ELA/History Meetings at 1:00 on Tuesdays and 10:00 on Fridays (a zoom link will be sent to your imiddlesd email)

Physical Education:

Please visit my Website and Google Classroom for all Updates on weekly activities.

Coach Harbecke's Website

9 Week Agenda

Wheel: There will be no wheel for the duration of distance learning.

7th Grade Distance Learning - Click to See


Please continue to check our class pages and your @imiddlesd email. If you have not subscribed to our Google calendar or signed up for Remind texts, please do so. The directions are on our web pages under the "Calendar" and "Home" tabs. Class meeting invitations are sent to your @imiddlesd email.

Please email us with any questions: aharrimangomez@sandi.net and/or klittle2@sandi.net

Individual Help and Office Hours Request


Make sure to continue to check the class page for class notes as well as the class calendar for current learning opportunities. You can continue to work on Fix ups and MobyMax assignments as needed to improve your grades. Fix Ups can be found a goformative.com.

Check your work on Google Classroom and check the class calendar.

Please send any questions to murbino@sandi.net

For Accelerated Math 7: Visit Mr. Freitas' Math Page!


Please try the following activities before our class meets so you can get questions answered and participate in class discussions! All of the following activities have instructions located in your ONENOTE notebook:

Office Hours -

  • Poland: Mon & Thurs @ 1:00 pm (online for 10 min until all questions answered - see calendar for details)
  • Vosburgh: Office Hours are posted right to your personal imiddlesd calendar.

Class Meet - We will meet at the start of each period to get you started and to help answer questions, once questions are done the meeting will be closed. Please see your email for your meeting codes.

  • Poland: USE GOOGLE Meet P1 Tues @ 9:00 am, P2 Tues@ 10:00 am, P4 Weds @ 10:00.
  • Vosburgh: Class Meets posted right to your personal imiddlesd calendar.

Social Studies:

Check the history web page for upcoming learning opportunities.

We have Zoom meetings schedule for each period at the same time each week.

We use the same Zoom Link for every class meeting: check your imiddlesd.com email.

World History Periods 1,3,4,6

GATE History Period 2


Period 1: Tuesdays 9:30

Period 2: Tuesdays 9:30

Period 3: Wednesdays 9:30

Period 4: Wednesdays 10:05

Period 6: Thursdays 9:30

8th Grade Distance Learning - Click to See


Ladeby ELA:

Please open the class site below for daily instructions and resources.

Ladeby 8th Grade GATE/Sem. ELA- period 1

Weekly class meeting at 2:00 on Mondays (reminder and link will be emailed to your imiddlesd email)

Seager ELA:

Please visit my teacher site for more information about this week: https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/8th-grade-english-ms-seager/agenda-and-assignments


Students should select their course. Download the weekly .pdf and attend the scheduled meeting times.

Integrated I -https://sites.google.com/imiddlesd.com/cronk-201819/classwork/integrated-1

Common Core 8 - https://sites.google.com/imiddlesd.com/cronk-201819/classwork/common-core-8

Common Core 8 - Urbino

Office Hours - 1pm Monday and Thursday via zoom.


Detailed information about meetings and assignments will be posted on our calendar. Activities will be pushed out to your OneNote notebook for you to complete. Please try these activities before your class meets so that we can discuss what you learned or answer questions if you are stuck. All of these activities will only HELP your grade - please try them all.

Natural Selection Unit

Lesson 0 Introduction to the phenomenon- Click through the slides and answer the questions in OneNote

Lesson 1- Hiding in the Background- Click through the slides, do the Peppered Moth Simulator, and answer the questions in OneNote

Class Meets: We will meet at the start of each period to get you started and to help answer questions, once questions are done the meeting will be closed.

  • Nusser- P1 meet Tue 9:00 am, P2 meet Tuesday 10:00 am, P3 meet Weds 9:00. Please try some of activities before so you can get questions answered.
  • Poland - P6 meet Thurs@9 am; P7 meet Thurs @ 10 am. (Please see your imiddlesd gmail for access code)

Open Office Hours:

  • Nusser- Monday & Thursday 1:00 pm (online for 10 min until all questions answered) Please see your imiddlesd gmail for access code.
  • Poland - Monday & Thursday 1:00 pm Please note this is a new time and will have a new access code. Please see your email or google classroom for information. (online for 10 min until all questions answered) Please see your imiddlesd gmail for access code.

Social Studies: Greetings Young Scholars

Look for updates on Mr. Turk's teacher page linked here : Period 2 Periods 3,4,6, and 7

Meeting links, announcements, assignments, discussions and activities are posted in CANVAS.

Advisory Mon at 10 am Period 2 Tuesday at 10 am Period 3 Wed at 9 am

Period 4 Wed 10 am Period 6 Thurs 9 am Period 7 Thurs 10 am

Stop By, Say Hi ... Fridays 1:00 - 1:40 pm for office hours.

Electives/PE - Click to See

Reading Intervention: Fridays Only

Ms. Taylor: Click Here to go to Ms. Taylor's Page

GTT-Mr Nusser & Henry are teaming up to provide at home STEAM projects

Open-ended Engineering Project(s) for GTT. We are finishing the details, but here it is. Mr. Henry's classes, please put your project proposal in your class OneNote.

Mr. Nusser's classes. If you emailed your proposal you should see credit for it (collected) in Powerschool. This week BEFORE Thursday's meeting do Steam Distance Learning Project Template. A copy is in google classroom (or on class website if you cannot access classroom). This is just an UPDATE so you can show everyone how things are going. You DO NOT have to complete you project, just fill out the slides so we can see how it is going and what you have learned and overcome so far. Please email your project proposal to Mr. N at tnusser@sandi.net

NUSSER Meetings Class meeting 10:00 am Thursday. Office hours (if you need help) Weds at 1:00 until 1:10 (I will stay longer if students need more help). Zoom links sent to your imiddlesd emails. Same links every week. Be sure to click on the Weds or Thursday link on the correct day.

Your teachers will get back to you on your OneNote page or by replying to the email. Email us if you have questions.

Spanish - Ms. Engan

Please open the class sites below for instructions and resources. If you would like calendar reminders please add the calendar for your class (from the appropriate class site). Remember, all these activities will only HELP your grade! Office hours Wednesdays 1-3 pm. Please send an email anytime! kengan@sandi.net

Spanish 1/2

Spanish 3/4

ASL - Dr. Zernovoj

Dr. Z: Please use your google classroom for updates and classwork!

See Dr. Z's website for general information.

Email: azernovoj@sandi.net

Office Hours Wednesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM

Physical Education

Please visit all websites and Google Classrooms for all updates on weekly activities.

Coach Harbecke

Coach Harbecke's Website

9 Week Agenda

Coach Adamson

Coach Adamson's Website

Coach Klinefelter

Coach K's Website

DHH - Click to See

Overall News: Please check your DHH Advisory Google Classroom for updates and links to meetings


Ms. Amanda: Please use your google classroom!

Email: atempleton@sandi.net

Office Hours TBD

Ms. Emily & Mr. Jed: Please use your google classroom!

Email: jgallimore@sandi.net

Office Hours TBD


Ms. Kim: Please use your google classroom!

Email: lkim1@sandi.net

Office Hours TBD


Ms. Little: Please use your google classroom!

Email: klittle@sandi.net

Office Hours TBD


Dr. Z: Please use your google classroom for updates and classwork!

See Dr. Z's website for general information.

Email: azernovoj@sandi.net

Office Hours Wednesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM


Mrs. Channing: Please use your google classroom!

Email: kchanning@sandi.net


Physical Education:

Coach Adamson: Visit Google Classroom. We have DHH PE on MONDAYS at 10am, not during your normal periods.

Wheel: There will be no wheel for the duration of distance learning.

Online Chat Room Etiquette

1. Find a quiet place without a glare on your screen. Please avoid sitting in front of an open window (you will look like you are in the witness protection program).

2. Keep your microphone on mute unless you want to talk.

3. Be respectful in your spoken words, chat, and video. Teachers have access to all chats.

4. Do not record or take any screenshots of during the meeting.

5. Please avoid eating while in the meeting.

6. Please be present- stay focused on the discussion at hand. Please stay focused on the conversation and our class- do not multitask and play games. You will have time at the end to show everyone your cute dogs or other cool things.

7. Use the chat function to ask to talk, ask questions, make appropriate comments. The teacher will call on you and ask you to unmute your audio. Try to remember to re-mute after so there is not too much background noise.

8. Please do not share the zoom/meeting links publicly.

These functions are at the bottom of your screen.

If you have a headset/ earphones/ earbuds, please use them. They help with blocking out background noise.