March 5th - 9th

Monday 3/5- iMiddle Wear (Blue and Grey)

Pasta for Pennies -

Keep collecting that money to help a great cause! Bring it in to your Advisory Teacher. You have till March 9th!

Night at the Opera - Permission slips available

iMiddle students are invited to attend the 2018 Student Night at the Opera on Thursday, March 15, 2018. The opera is "Florencia en el Amazonas" and will be sung in Spanish. Permission slips are available at the front office beginning on Monday, February 12th. Tickets are free, but only the first fifty students to turn in the permission slip and sign academic privilege form may attend. Permission slips are due no later than Monday, March 12th to the front office. Additionally, students can pay $5 for dinner at school before the opera. Dinner will be at 4:30pm. Students must arrive at iMiddle no later than 5:15pm. Please email Mrs. Gomez in room 5 for more information.

Admin Announcements:

1. Thank you to classes who have started the after lunch clean-up. Teachers, please see the google doc Ms. O'Donnell sent out last week with the schedule of class clean up. Students, we appreciate you taking pride in your school and helping to maintain a clean campus. While helping with the clean up, please be aware that classes are still in session. Expectations include talking in a quiet calm voice (no yelling), staying within sight of your teacher, and participating in the clean up.

2. Have you been caught being Tardy? Remember that you need to be in your seat when the bell rings in order to be on time to class. Random tardy sweeps are happening, and they result in automatic LOP. Don't be late!

3. Hopefully you have not had your PAC signed this P3 for any behavior infractions, dress code, computer violations, etc. For those that have clean PACs you will get to join us on March 12 for the PAC party. Please note, any student that refuses to give their PAC to a teacher or staff that is asking for it to sign, you will receive TWO LOPs. iMiddle students are respectful and take responsibility for their actions. Please make sure you are following the rules, and if you are choosing to not follow the rules, hand over your PAC and accept the PAC signature the first time to avoid further consequences.

4. Just a reminder that P3 ends this Friday, March 9. Since this is the first 6 weeks of the new semester, no student should have any missing assignments. However, if you do have missing work, take time this week to get that work turned in!! Organize your backpacks and binders, check your Powerschool and get that worked turned in.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

Students can work on Genius Hour Projects - Research or Documentation

Watch Channel One News:

Tuesday 3/6-

Pasta for Pennies - Keep collecting that money to help a great cause! Bring it in to your Advisory Teacher. You have till March 9th!

TOTAL $903.91

  1. Ladeby/Miller
  2. Reiff
  3. Schaller
  4. Moreno
  5. Taylor
  6. Henry
  7. Werdowatz
  8. Nusser
  9. Urbino
  10. Engan
  11. Poland
  12. Vosburgh
  13. Hessenflow
  14. Shoemaker
  15. Little
  16. Klinefelter
  17. Xu
  18. Willis
  19. Mwereru

For all current 7th graders... It is time for you to select your electives course requests for next year!! Please click on this LINK to fill out the quick form. Thank you :)

You can also find the link on the iMiddle website (For students > Electives & Clubs > 7th Grade Electives and Requests Form)

Stop Gun Violence- Nation-Wide Student Rally

Please play the following video.

You will need to sign in to your account. If that does not work, you can download the video with this link.

Please fill out this Google Form if you are interested in participated in the student rally against gun violence. If you want to help plan this student led event, please come to S4 today (Tuesday) at lunch. We will be brainstorming ideas and thinking about what the iMiddle students want to do for this rally.

We are hoping to make decisions about what we will do on Thursday at lunch. We will start planning the logistics of the event on Thursday at lunch.

Night at the Opera - Permission slips available

iMiddle students are invited to attend the 2018 Student Night at the Opera on Thursday, March 15, 2018. The opera is "Florencia en el Amazonas" and will be sung in Spanish. Permission slips are available at the front office beginning on Monday, February 12th. Tickets are free, but only the first fifty students to turn in the permission slip and sign academic privilege form may attend. Permission slips are due no later than Monday, March 12th to the front office. Additionally, students can pay $5 for dinner at school before the opera. Dinner will be at 4:30pm. Students must arrive at iMiddle no later than 5:15pm. Please email Mrs. Gomez in room 5 for more information.

Genius Hour Check in -

Each Tuesday we will be checking in with students on their progress toward their Genius Hour Project.

Teachers: Check in with student on the progress they are making. Consider doing the round robin activity from last week if you did not use it (see below). Teachers you can also show the video below while you conference with students.

Students: Remember to DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT. Take pictures or video of you building/creating/making/practicing. Take a moment today to reflect on what you have done so far and what adjustments you may need to make!

Past announcements:

2/23 - Students should continue to research, learn, make, create and document their efforts. THEY MUST BE DOCUMENTING. They can use the class time to get this documentation done, collected in one place, update their planning doc etc. Remind them that they created a plan on their yellow paper to follow! This is a good time to start with a round robin and have student briefly share their progress. "I'm researching", "I've made one recipe", "I'm building my first version of ____", "I have been practicing ____________ 3 times a week for an hour I can now ________."

2/13: All students should have selected their project and had it approved by their teacher. This is the learning and exploring time. Many students want to start creating their final product but this is TOO EARLY. Students should be researching, learning, making, creating and documenting their efforts. They should NOT be making google slides, editing iMovies or making cookbooks yet. These will be the results of their learning!

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

Students can work on Genius Hour Projects - Research or Documentation

Watch Channel One News:

Wednesday 3/7 - STEAM Shirts

Stopping Gun Violence Rally

Thank you to everyone who came yesterday to S4 to help brainstorm the plans for the national rally to end gun violence. Student leaders came up with different possibilities. On Thursday at lunch in S4, students will create and decide on a proposal for the iMiddle rally. Please come at the beginning of lunch to S4 on Thursday, if you want to have input. Bring your lunch and good ideas.

Once students have decided on their proposal and gotten approval from the school administration, they will be letting students and staff know what the plan is so that people who want to get involved can do so. This will happen either on Friday or next Monday during advisory.

Pasta for Pennies -

Keep collecting that money to help a great cause! Bring it in to your Advisory Teacher. You have till March 9th!

Night at the Opera - Permission slips available

iMiddle students are invited to attend the 2018 Student Night at the Opera on Thursday, March 15, 2018. The opera is "Florencia en el Amazonas" and will be sung in Spanish. Permission slips are available at the front office beginning on Monday, February 12th. Tickets are free, but only the first fifty students to turn in the permission slip and sign academic privilege form may attend. Permission slips are due no later than Monday, March 12th to the front office. Additionally, students can pay $5 for dinner at school before the opera. Dinner will be at 4:30pm. Students must arrive at iMiddle no later than 5:15pm. Please email Mrs. Gomez in room 5 for more information.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

Students can work on Genius Hour Projects - Research or Documentation

Watch Channel One News:

Thursday 3/8 - 7th Grade Assembly

Stopping Gun Violence Rally

Today (Thursday) at lunch in S4, students will create and decide on a proposal for the iMiddle rally. Please come at the beginning of lunch to S4, if you want to have input. Bring your lunch and good ideas. Students hope to have a proposal to give to the school administration by the end of the lunch period.

Pasta for Pennies -

Keep collecting that money to help a great cause! Bring it in to your Advisory Teacher. You have till March 9th!

Night at the Opera - Permission slips available

iMiddle students are invited to attend the 2018 Student Night at the Opera on Thursday, March 15, 2018. The opera is "Florencia en el Amazonas" and will be sung in Spanish. Permission slips are available at the front office beginning on Monday, February 12th. Tickets are free, but only the first fifty students to turn in the permission slip and sign academic privilege form may attend. Permission slips are due no later than Monday, March 12th to the front office. Additionally, students can pay $5 for dinner at school before the opera. Dinner will be at 4:30pm. Students must arrive at iMiddle no later than 5:15pm. Please email Mrs. Gomez in room 5 for more information.

For all current 6th graders... It is time for you to select your electives course requests for next year!! Please click on this LINK to fill out the quick form. Thank you :)

You can also find the link on the iMiddle website (For students > Electives & Clubs > 6th Grade Electives and Requests Form)

Mental Health @ Innovation Part 2

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

Students can work on Genius Hour Projects - Research or Documentation

Watch Channel One News:

Friday 3/9 - College Shirts

- 8th Grade Assembly

Teachers, please do a Pre-PAC party count for us during Advisory today. Students who would qualify for PAC party would have the following:

  • No Behavior Infractions for P3
  • No Cell phone signatures, dress code violations , non-school related device use for the dates of 1/29/18-3/9/18
  • No Device/No Charge for P3

Please count how many WOULD qualify and put on the google doc that is emailed to you

Please make sure all 6th and 7th grade students have completed their electives request forms!!!!!!

Current 6th Graders --> LINK

Current 7th Graders --> LINK

Pasta for Pennies - Last Day is TODAY

Lunch Activity-Cookie Challenge

Night at the Opera - Permission slips available

iMiddle students are invited to attend the 2018 Student Night at the Opera on Thursday, March 15, 2018. The opera is "Florencia en el Amazonas" and will be sung in Spanish. Permission slips are available at the front office beginning on Monday, February 12th. Tickets are free, but only the first fifty students to turn in the permission slip and sign academic privilege form may attend. Permission slips are due no later than Monday, March 12th to the front office. Additionally, students can pay $5 for dinner at school before the opera. Dinner will be at 4:30pm. Students must arrive at iMiddle no later than 5:15pm. Please email Mrs. Gomez in room 5 for more information.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

Students can work on Genius Hour Projects - Research or Documentation

Watch Channel One News: