Sept 23rd-27th

PBIS Focus: Respect

To admire and have a high opinion of someone.

Show respect even for those competing against you. Good sportsmanship shows intelligence. I doesn't make you a winner to talk badly about the competition. Be gracious if you lose, but remember also to be gracious if you win.

Teachers, please be on the lookout for students demonstrating Respect. Sign the bottom of the planner with an early to lunch note!

Reminders from Admin:

Announcements for the week:

Half Way Through P1:

You are over half way through P1. Have you been checking PowerSchool? Do you have missing work or work that needs to be made up? Have you done all you can to earn the grades you want? Be sure to be in contact with your teachers if you need assistance.

Monday 9/23 - iMiddle Spirit

Community Circle -

Teachers please see the community circle lesson for this week in your shared PBIS drive.

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP Lunch area immediately at the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Tuesday 9/24 - DEAR - Drop Everything and READ

If you're interested in being part of the 2020 Innovation yearbook staff please fill out the form. Staff will be selected by Friday.

Art/Drama Club - This Thursday 3-4

Meet at the art room in the GTT quad.

Bringing you the A in STEAM.

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP Lunch area immediately at the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Wednesday 9/25

It's time for the iMiddle News--Watch it now!

Thursday 9/26


  • Say what? Did you just sneeze?
  • No, this is theme of today. KHFAAOOTY, or in other words Keep Hands Feet and All Other Objects To Yourself
  • KHFAAOOTY applies not only to fighting, but also to play fighting, slap boxing, and other general teasing or retaliation that involves putting your hands, feet, arms, elbows and all objects on someone else.
  • Yes it's a funny name, but it's not funny when students start hitting, slapping, or punching each other, even if they are "just playing". and it turns into someone getting injured or mad. Suddenly the "game" has become real, and people get hurt
  • Brainstorm whole group what the definitions of the following are:
    • Self-control
    • Problem solving
    • Calming Down
  • Small group Discussion/Role Play/Share Out: Break into four small groups and assign a scenario to each group. Each group needs to read the scenario and discuss the questions. Then create a role play to show the rest of the class the RIGHT thing to do in each scenario. The group will read the scenario out to the rest of the class, then share the role play of what the right thing to do in the situation would be with the entire class

Scenario 1: Jose was wearing his new white vans to school. He had saved all summer to buy them. When he got to school he his friends decided to mess around with him and pretend like they were going to step on his vans. His one friend Marco accidentally did step on them and left a black shoe mark on Jose's new vans. Jose reacted by pushing Marco, who then started pushing Jose back.

      • Why did Jose react the way he did? Why did Marco react the way he did? How could have this situation been prevented? How could have Jose and Marco prevented self-control?

Scenario 2: Carla and Kristin were at PE, and the activity involved the use of frisbees. Carla accidentally hit Kristin in the back with the frisbee. Kristin went up to Carla and started hitting her purposefully with the frisbee. Carla got mad at Kristin, and started yelling at her. The coach had to break up the situation.

      • Why do you think Carla was mad? How could she have used problem solving skills to address the situation? Why was Kristin mad? How could she have handled the situation differently? What advice would you have had for Kristen?

Scenario 3: Sam and Max were friends, but they were very competitive with each other. All their friends knew this, so they were encouraging Sam and Max to get into a slap boxing fight in the bathroom at lunch. Although Sam and Max were not fighters, they figured it would be ok since they were friends and just playing. Unfortunately Sam slapped Max pretty hard and Max got angry and embarrassed. He started punching Sam until the teacher broke it up.

      • Should Sam and Max listened to their friends and started slap boxing? Why or Why not? What are negative effects of play fighting? What advice would you have for Sam and/or Max? How could either of them practice self-control?

Scenario 4: Mia and Kyle had been dating for a few weeks when Kyle broke up with Mia. He then started going out with Isabel. Mia was mad and decided to post some nasty messages about Isabel on social media. The next day at school Isabel approached Mia and called her out on the messages. The two began pulling each other's hair and fighting.

      • How should Mia have reacted? How should Isabel have handled herself? How could have Mia or Isabel demonstrated calming down? What advice would you give to Mia?

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP Lunch area immediately at the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Friday 9/27 - College Shirt

20 min early to lunch for students who have perfect attendance.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of you who have PERFECT ATTENDANCE!!!! These are students who have NO absences and NO tardies! :)

If you didn't make it this time, work hard to make it on this list for next month!

Early Out Perfect Attendance

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP Lunch area immediately at the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.