Monday December 13-17th


Monday Dec 13th

Advisory Content Links

Tuesday December 14th


This committee will meet to discuss how to help bring positivity and wellness to our campus. Some of the topics we talk about and plan for are kindness, healthy habits, support for others (on campus and in our community), how to de-stress, fitness, etc. We plan for different activities, challenges and themes we would like to promote within the school. If you are interested in joining or if you have more questions, please email either Ms. O'Donnell or Ms. Gomez

Advisory Content Links

Drop Everything And Read for 20 min

CNN Student News

Wednesday December 15th


This committee will meet to discuss how to help bring positivity and wellness to our campus. Some of the topics we talk about and plan for are kindness, healthy habits, support for others (on campus and in our community), how to de-stress, fitness, etc. We plan for different activities, challenges and themes we would like to promote within the school. If you are interested in joining or if you have more questions, please email either Ms. O'Donnell or Ms. Gomez

Advisory Content Links

SOAR Raffle

Thursday December 16th


Advisory Content Links

Friday December 17th


Advisory Content Links

Teachers, you all have in your email a link to a form. Please fill out first the required information (percentage of students who participated and total number of items). Then have some students bring all your donated items to the front office during Advisory time. These will be delivered over break to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Please make sure every student who brought in items received their SOAR stickers for those items. Extra SOAR stickers are in the staff work room.

The Ultimate Reward=Helping those in need!

The Secondary Reward:

*SOAR sticker for every item you bring in

*Class party (of your choice-pizza, root beer, popcorn and Arizonas??)for the Advisory with the highest % of students who participate and a Class party for the Advisory who donates the most items by Friday Dec 17