*Community Circle*

Warm- Up Activity

Seating Changes: Someone goes outside, 2 people in the circle swap places, and the outsider tries to guess who has moved.

Circle Questions

You find a genie lamp. You rub it and you are granted 3 wishes. But they have to be for other people. What would you wish for?

Answer each of the following prompts one by one. Whoever starts will answer number one, then next student will answer number two, etc. You can go around the circle more than once and repeat the lines over (making sure the same students aren't answering the same prompts).

1. I feel happy when…

2. I feel sad when…

3. I feel angry when…

4. I feel scared when…

5. I feel excited when…

6. I feel stressed when…

7. I feel alone when…

8. The scariest thing…

9. My favorite hobby…

10. My favorite pet…

11. My favorite food is…

12. My favorite T.V. show is…

13. My favorite weekend activity is…

14. My favorite song is…

15. My favorite sport is…

16. My favorite color is…

17. My favorite weather is…

18. Rain makes me feel…

19. Wind makes me feel…

20. Sunshine makes me feel…

Closing Activity

Clapping game: Going around the circle one clap continues the direction, two claps changes the direction back.