Dec 10th - 14th

PBIS Focus:

Please dismiss students to lunch 10 min early Monday if they have a signature in their planner from their teacher or staff member showing generosity or other valued trait from last TWO weeks.

Teachers, please be on the lookout for students demonstrating . Sign the bottom of the planner with an early to lunch note!

Monday 12/10- iMiddle Shirt

It's time for the iMiddle News--Watch it now!

Reminders from Admin:

Hour of Code Sharing:

We had lots of stuff going on last Friday. So please take some time to share your coding projects with each other today!

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP room B21 immediately after the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10

Tuesday 12/11 - College Shirt

ASB Announcements:

Tomorrow is

Vote for the theme of your dance on January 25th

Tech Tuesday:

We are going to use some of our Tuesdays to focus on digital citizenship. Please go to this link:

Complete the game to the called "Reality-river". Take a screen shot of your score and save it to your drive.

You can win a prize for getting the high score for your class. Fill out the form below when done with the game. Add a link to the screenshot of your score as proof of completion.

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP room B21 immediately after the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10

Wednesday 12/12- STEAM Shirt

Signed Progress Reports:

Teachers please be sure you have seen parent signatures. Students who do not show you a signed progress report will need to call home! (I am doing calls on Friday)

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10

Thursday 12/13 - Girl Power

Climate Action:

Climate science has been in the news a lot this week. Countries around the world have been meeting to try to come up with a solution for climate change. Watch below to see the connection between climate change and single use plastic.

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP room B21 immediately after the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10

Friday 12/14 - Spirit Wear


NO soaring to success on 12-19

Next Friday is a half day - dismissal is 1:25 p.m.


If you missed Mrs. Poland's class today due to a special presentation, please come to her room during advisory to complete your assignment.

Early to Lunch 6th, 7th and 8th Grade:

Teachers please dismiss students early (immediately) to lunch who meet the criteria set by your grade level AND have turned in a signed grade report.

Students who remain in class should call home for missing grade reports and work toward improving their grades.

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP room B21 immediately after the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10