Nov 5th - 9th

PBIS Focus: Selflessness



  1. concern more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own.

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.”

Dalai Lama

Please dismiss students to lunch 10 min early Monday if they have a signature in their planner from their teacher or staff member showing integrity or other valued trait from last week.

Teachers, please be on the lookout for students demonstrating selflessness. Sign the bottom of the planner with an early to lunch note!

Monday 11/05- iMiddle Shirt

It's time for the iMiddle News--Watch it now!

Most Spirited Class= DHH

You win the ice-cream sundae party! We will contact you with the date this week. Send the number of students to room 136. Congrats!!

ASB/Parent Foundation Announcements:

Please have your Advisory class register NOW!

Teacher= Advisory Teacher

Advisory Class with the most money earned will win a mini-ice-cream sundae party!!

Two sales = one cowabunga, entry into the $100 Bingo, plus a raffle ticket for the limo lunch to In-N-Out!

Feed each cowabunga a treat!

Reminders from Admin:

  • Early to lunch today for all those with signatures in their planner last week for showing Integrity. Thanks for being honest and showing good character, even when no one is looking or expecting it!
  • Lunch time: A reminder that no one is allowed on the dirt by the big tree. Students with a 3.5 and above for P1 are allowed, with their pass, to be in the area by the library/science building.
    • Please do not congregate by the bathrooms. Two people at a time will be allowed in the bathrooms at lunch
    • Thank you for being kind and courteous to all staff and students at iMiddle. This includes using appropriate language, not talking back or cursing, and being kind and respectful. Use walking feet, hands to ourselves and please clean up after yourself
    • No food or drink on the courts or fields. These will be open after the first 10 min of lunch (so you can eat!!)
  • We have seen an increase in students using their computers for non-academic use these last few weeks. Please remember that computers are for school work only. Refer to the planner and PAC for consequences associated with not using your computer correctly.
  • We only have 3 weeks left of P2. Please be sure you are keeping up with your assignments, checking PowerSchool on a regular basis, and communicating with your teacher if you have questions about your assignments. Remember, some points are better than no points. Let's get those assignments turned in.

Selfless, Humble, Giving....all words that represent thinking of others before yourself. As pre-teens and teens, it can be hard to think of others or how our actions and reactions influence others. Your brains are actually wired to focus more on the present and what is happening in your world, vs. the world around you. However, with some focus and dedication, finding ways to be selfless can actually be a very rewarding experience. Take a look...

Trevor Hoffman talking about giving back:

As a class on the board, play Selfless Human Bingo and discuss the items on the card/share examples aloud

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP room B21 immediately after the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10

Tuesday 11/06 - College Shirt

Canned Food Drive:

iMiddle will be starting a canned food drive on Thursday. Please start collecting non-perishable food at home and bring them in starting Thursday thru the beginning of Thanksgiving Break.

These are the types of items that the San Diego Food Bank needs:

  • Canned Chicken & Tuna
  • Canned & Dried Beans
  • Cereal
  • Rice
  • Nuts & Seeds
  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned Soup
  • Canned & Dried Fruit
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Powdered Milk Infant Formula

You can bring in any non-perishable food items, this list was their most needed- but they cannot accept glass jars and homemade food items.

We will be using the canned food to so a school wide STEAM challenge. More information will be coming soon about this year's challenge. Bring in a lot of nonperishable food to help needy families and to have more materials to build with.

Bring lots of non-perishable food because we will be building things out of them.


Come see "The Nutcracker" ballet on December 20th! Permission slips are in the main office. Tickets are $10. See Ms. Gomez or Ms. O'Donnell if you have any questions. November 16th is the deadline to turn in the forms and payment. Turn in your forms and payment in to the main office. Hope to see you at the ballet!

ASB/Parent Foundation Announcements:

Did you have your parents send 10 emails? If not, then let's go!!

Advisory Class with the most money earned will win a mini-ice-cream sundae party!!


Feed each cowabunga a treat!


We will continue with our tech challenge next week when we visit a new "land". Congratulations to the following students for getting the high score in last week's challenge "Kind Kingdom":

Anderson - Corro, Aaron 415

Engan - Munoz, Sebastian 425

Freitas - Patricelli, Ezra 445

Henry - Rees, Tristan 430

Little/Gomez - Ramos, Raphael 415

Nusser - Torres, Luis 390

Poland - Agoot, Sophia 400

Reiff - Du, Daniel 470

Shoemaker - Sanchez, Michael 405

Urbino - Robbins, Noah 450

Please sign their planner so they may go to lunch early next week!

Reflective Learning:

Use this link: to complete your reflective learning for this week.

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP room B21 immediately after the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10

Wednesday 11/07- STEAM Shirt


Come see "The Nutcracker" ballet on December 20th! Permission slips are in the main office. Tickets are $10. See Ms. Gomez or Ms. O'Donnell if you have any questions. November 16th is the deadline to turn in the forms and payment. Turn in your forms and payment in to the main office. Hope to see you at the ballet!

If any girls have permission slips to turn into Ms O'Donnell, please do so before you leave today!!

Food Drive

A great way to demonstrate selflessness!

Most NEEDED Items:

  • Canned Chicken & Tuna
  • Canned & Dried Beans
  • Cereal
  • Rice
  • Nuts & Seeds
  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned Soup
  • Canned & Dried Fruit
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Powdered Milk Infant Formula

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10

Thursday 11/08 - Girl Power


Come see "The Nutcracker" ballet on December 20th! Permission slips are in the main office. Tickets are $10. See Ms. Gomez or Ms. O'Donnell if you have any questions. November 16th is the deadline to turn in the forms and payment. Turn in your forms and payment in to the main office. Hope to see you at the ballet!

Tomorrow is the first turn in day for prizes!

Bring in your order forms to the auditorium starting at 7:30.

Food Drive STEAM Challenge

Students will figure out a way to motivate and encourage others to help fight hunger and donate non-perishable food.

Students will create a slogan to help encourage/motivate others to bring in food. They will also design a structure to go with their slogan which is made of from can food and other recycled materials

Here are examples of models (but they would need slogans too.) What are some slogans that could go with these? (Brain storm possibilities that would go with this)


· The slogan should be creative and encourage others to donate food/help fight hunger. They must be school appropriate and they should have some model that goes with the slogan. See examples.

· The canned food incorporated into the model cannot be damaged in the building of the model. The containers and labels on the food must NOT be damaged in the building or in the deconstructing of the model. Students MUST take this into consideration when building their structures. Attaching duct tape directly to a can label for example, would probably damage the label when the model is taken apart. Damaging the donated food items defeats the purpose of the canned food drive.

· Recycled materials can be used. Students may bring in card board and other recycled materials to help build their models out of.

· NO MONEY may be spent on additional materials for their models. Students should not go buy cardboard poster boards, Popsicle sticks, or anything else for their structure. This is a food drive so students/parents can buy nonperishable food to donate but students do NOT have to bring in canned food to participate or to win.

· All classes will be provided basic building materials. These will include duct tape, blue painters tape. Students can use classroom materials and materials from the storeroom, but do not overdo it. For example, using a few paper clips to help attach something to the model is fine, but using boxes of paper clips to build a paper clip model is against the spirit of the competition.

· Students may use small amounts of regular school supplies such as paper, markers, paper clips, etc. Teachers can pick up things from the storeroom, but remember, only use reasonable amounts.

· Size of the models built can vary from class to class. The only size constraint is that teachers must be able to store the project. If a teacher does not have much storage space in their classroom, he or she may require that the model is made to small scale. Teachers do have the option of signing up to build in a different location or having students transport their built and partially built structures to the library. If classes are using this option they must plan how they will MOVE their models to the storage location and back during the building process.

  • Prizes - Prizes will be granted for the following categories: Tallest Structure, Most Food Items, Best Use of Suspended (in air) Items, Best Slogan, Best Slogan/Creation Match, Best Replica of a Real World Structure/Statue/Painting, VP's Choice, Principal's Choice, Best Overall. All participating/contributing students (ie brought in supplies for team and/or assisted with the design and/or build) in winning classes will get to go to lunch early for a full week! There will be additional rewards to be announced later.

For Today and Tuesday

Make a pitch:

Pitch requirements

  • Slogan
  • Object to build that goes with the slogan
  • Create a plan and draw blue prints for how students would recreate this structure out of non-perishable food, cardboard, paper, tape, string, etc. All students will use non-perishable food items in their structures but they structures do NOT have to be built entirely out of non-perishable food. Large parts of the structures can be built from other materials such as cardboard, paper, etc. Realize that the packaging of the donated food CANNOT be damaged in building or taking apart of the structure. Keep this in mind during the planning and building.

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP room B21 immediately after the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Friday 11/09 - Spirit Wear



Feed your cowabunga an otter pop at the student store.

Way to go! We've earned over $3,300 in our first week!

Don't stop now! Keep selling! There are still lot's of great prizes to earn!

Friday the 16th is the last turn in day!

10 emails will get you a raffle ticket into a 5 pound chocolate bar drawing!

If you haven't registered, register NOW!

Early to Lunch 6th, 7th and 8th Grade:

Teachers please dismiss students early (immediately) to lunch who meet the criteria set by your grade level.

Students who remain in class should work toward improving their grades.


Come see "The Nutcracker" ballet on December 20th! Permission slips are in the main office. Tickets are $10. See Ms. Gomez or Ms. O'Donnell if you have any questions. November 16th is the deadline to turn in the forms and payment. Turn in your forms and payment in to the main office. Hope to see you at the ballet!

Do you have LOP today?

If you have LOP make sure you report to the LOP room B21 immediately after the end of Advisory. Do not get lunch or go see your friends. You will be allowed to eat in LOP.

Please note that "I forgot" or "They didn't come and get me" are not excuses and will result in more LOPs or greater consequences. Thank you for being responsible and reporting to LOP when assigned.

Extra Time?

Get Organized: Clean out back packs, organize 3 ring binders (no loose papers).

Check for Late or Missing Work - lets get caught up!

CNN 10