November 6-9, 2023

We Remember

We had a brief, age appropriate chat about why people wear poppies. The students were then offered a sticker poppy for their shirt to show respect and say thank you to the people who fought in the war to make our country safe and free. I was surprised how proud and excited they were to have a poppy to wear. There were many eager students wanting to have their picture taken with their poppy on!

A Week of Dogs and Cats!

We had big fun in here with our dog and cat theme this past week. From making "dog food" for our toy dogs, to decorating our classroom dog house, to pretending to be dogs and cats ourselves, it was a "purrfect" time!

Masks, Masks, Masks!

Children love to make masks, and they are such an easy way to strengthen fine motor skills and encourage imaginative play. 

Feed the Dogs! 

On Tuesday, I challenged the students to feed different dogs the correct amount of bones. This early numeracy activity was both motivating and tricky at the same time!

Coming Up!

Click here to see the rest of the pictures from our dog and cat themed week!