January 22-25, 2024

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, We're Going to the Moon!

We started our space theme this past week! The students were excited and eager to engage in several different space activities throughout the week. We started each day by singing this simple little song, it is always a big hit with the little ones:

Zoom Zoom Zoom!

Zoom, zoom, zoom,  (stand up, rub hands together - I always tell the kids, "start your engines!")

we're going to the moon.

Zoom, zoom, zoom,

we're going pretty soon.

If you want to take a trip, climb aboard my rocket ship (pretend to climb onto the ship)

in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, (countdown with your fingers while you crouch into a ball)

BLAST OFF! (jump into the air)

Space Cutting!

On Monday our four-year-olds continued to strengthen their cutting skills. This time we snipped space pictures that we later glued onto black paper to make cool space scenes. We are continuing to learn how to place our fingers, arms, and hands while we cut. It is hard work to coordinate so many parts of our body at once! This important skill is something we will continue to work on and refine as the school year progresses.

Space Soup, a Fun Way to Practice Speech Sounds!

On Tuesday we worked together to make some space soup! Everyone was excited to add the different wacky ingredients we needed for this special soup. From strawberries to spiderman, this soup had every s-blend toy I could find! Before the ingredients went into the soup we practiced our snake sound to say the name of each item. This was a fun way to playfully pack in a whole lot of s-blend speech practice. 

Mr. Sun!

On Wednesday we learned a bit about the sun and sang the song "Mr. Sun." The children then had the opportunity to use plastic wrap to engage in squish painting and make a sun of their own. 

Don't Forget About the Moon!

We couldn't learn about the sun without also learning about the moon! On Thursday we read a cute little book called Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, I'm Off to The Moon! We then looked at some pictures of the moon and the students had the opportunity to paint the moon using balls of tinfoil and a dabbing paint technique. 

The Pre-K Grocery Store is Open!

We opened a store in here during playtime. This center was a big hit. The students loved trying out the different roles of the shopper, bagger, and cashier!

Mark Your Calendars!

I am so excited to announce that our Black Gold occupational therapists will be offering some Family Orientated Programming Sessions (FOPS) for parents to attend while their children are at school. These information sessions are optional, touch on a variety of topics, and can be attended by parents or guardians right here at the school, while your child is attending class! Please see the attached poster for more details. Everyone is welcome!


Thank You!

A huge thank you goes out to Tricia Mitchell for making us some gingerbread playdough this past week. Every time the kids played with it our classroom smelled amazing!

Kindergarten Registration!

If your child is part of the four-year-old group, it's time to enroll them in kindergarten! Click here to register your child.

Please call the office if you need help with the registration process. 

**If your child is part of our three-year-old group, there is no need to re-register, your child's registration will automatically roll up for their second year of Early Intervention Pre-K in the upcoming school year. 

Coming Up!

Click here to see the rest of the pictures from our week of space fun!

EIP Registration Opens February 1st!

Do you have a pre-school age child who struggles with following directions, communication, separation anxiety, temper tantrums, changes in schedule or other developmental milestones? Consider having a screening and find out if your child can qualify for our Early Intervention Pre-Kindergarten program. 

**Please note, if your child is already part of our three-year-old program, there is no need to re-register, they will automatically be rolled up for their second year in the upcoming school year.