
5-7, 2023

It's December!

It's hard to believe that December is already here! We were busy this week spending time with Mr. Scott, learning all the songs for our Winter Pajama Family sing along that is taking place next week.

Getting Crafty!

We have been working hard in here to make some very special decorations that we will be using next week to decorate for our family pajama sing along night! Be sure to keep your eyes out for our beautiful creations.

Obstacle Courses

The morning class students helped to create an obstacle course one day last week. Obstacle courses are easy to make, can involve simple items from your house, and are a fun way to strengthen gross motor skills!

Gingerbread Houses - 4 Year Old Group

On Monday our 4-year-old class will have their turn to make gingerbread houses! The houses are already built and the icing will be supplied. I am asking for each child to bring a small amount of candy that will be shared with their peers. If everyone brings one type of candy and shares, then each child will have a variety to use when decorating their house.

Please note, the gingerbread houses are made out of graham crackers, so we do not need a large amount of candy.

Family Sing Along and Cookie Decorating!

Coming Up!

Raptor Wear!

Interested in getting some school spirit wear for your child? Click here to see the options and make a purchase if you wish!

**If you want your purchases to arrive BEFORE Christmas, then be sure to order by December 10th. 

Click here to see the rest of the pictures from our week!