October 3-6

Monster Mayhem!

We had a pretty exciting monster filled week over here in Pre-K. After SEVERAL requests to read and re-read the book Go Away Big Green Monster, I decided we better have some monster fun in our classroom!

Monster Puppets

All week we enjoyed the story, There's a Monster at the End of This Book.

On Monday we used our monster-filled imaginations to make some pretty awesome puppets! Not only does making puppets strengthen fine motor skills, but playing with puppets is also a fun way to work on speech and language development!

Monster, Monster

Here's the Monster poem we did this past week. It was a hit, and helped students develop large motor coordination and body awareness too. I will include the words incase you want to do it at home, I bet your child will show you the actions if you ask!

Monster, Monster

Monster, monster, turn around

Monster, monster, touch the ground

Monster, monster, reach up high

Monster, monster, touch the sky

Monster, monster, touch your nose

Monster, monster, grab your toes

Monster, monster, touch your knees

Monster, monster, sit down please

Monster Painting!

The students had the opportunity this week to fold paper and squish paint in this super simple painting activity. Some of the monsters they made were really cool!

Box Monsters

Before we said goodbye to the mountain of wonderful recyclables in our room, we decided to build some box monsters. The imagination in this room never ceases to amaze me! There were some pretty gnarly monsters being created!

Thank you to all of the families who donated boxes and other items for our creating over the past few weeks. If you ever come across a BIG box, please feel free to send it our way! We will never turn down the pure joy that a big box can bring to the classroom.

Sand Monsters

There were many spooky creatures emerging from the sand monsters center this week. Check them out if you dare!

Coming Up!

  • October 10th - Thanksgiving Day, No School

  • October 11th - PD Day, No School

  • October 26th - 27th - NO Pre-K, IPP Meetings

    • Please watch for an email coming home soon to sign up for a timeslot!

  • November 1st - PD Day, No School

Click here to see the rest of the pictures from our week of monster-iffic fun!