February 26-29, 2024

Ocean Week Continued

We had our second week of under sea fun here in EIP!  From boat making to painting star fish, it was a splashing good time.

Jelly Fish!

On Monday our four-year-olds first worked on printing their names, then they made a jelly fish craft. 

If you are working on printing your child's name with your four-year-old at home, I recommend teaching them to print their name with the first letter capitalized, and the rest of the letters in lower case. As a former kindergarten teacher, I can tell you it is very difficult to break the habit of printing your name in all upper case letters, so trying to avoid forming this habit is best if you can.

Meet Mat Man!

On Tuesday, we built a little friend on the carpet, mat man. Mat man is a body awareness activity that helps children learn to label and recognize the different parts of their body. The children love this activity and requested that we do it again it later on in the week as well.

Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday was pink shirt day. Pink shirt day is a great time to reflect on how we are treating others and to remember that kindness is cool.  Our school filmed a fun little pink shirt day dance video. The EIP students have their own segment, be sure to check it out below!

RBESPinkShirt Copyright Free.mp4

Developing Empathy

There is no better time to help your children learn about empathy and inclusion than when they are little. We have been learning about differences and talking about the different way people learn, show their emotions, communicate, and play. On Monday, we listened to the story, Just Right For You, and chatted about some of these differences. The underlying message is that even if someone has a different way of playing, communicating, or learning than us, that it is okay. 

As your child encounters differences throughout your day to day journeys, I encourage you to continue this dialogue. You might say something like, "yes, he is communicating with his hands. That is different than us since we use words. But that's okay."

Building an Ocean - A Simple Speech Activity

On Thursday we added different sea creatures into our "ocean." As we added each item we said the name of the creature together. All of the animals and items we added to the bin started with the s-sound. This was a playful way to get students practicing their very important s-sound over and over again.

Parent-Teacher Check In/ Student Led Conferences

Our school is running student led conferences on Wednesday, March 13th from 3:30 - 6:45 pm. However, being that we do not have our next set of IPP (Individualized Program Plan) meetings scheduled until the end of May, I thought this evening could be the perfect time to have a little check in. You are welcome to sign up for a timeslot to take a few minutes to sit down with me and have an informal chat about how your child is doing at school and progressing towards their IPP goals. Participating in these meetings is completely optional and simply gives us a chance to touch base. If you would like to sign up for a timeslot, please click here.

I will also have a craft available if you would instead like to bring your child with you and enjoy a fun little activity together, more similar to a student-led conference format. 

Our Heritage

We started learning about our heritage this week by first learning about the country we all call home, Canada. We looked at the Canada flag and listened to our national anthem. Next week we will be learning about two new countries! If you haven't had a chance to share your child's heritage and home languages with me yet, please feel free to do so by clicking on this link

Play Dough Makers!

A HUGE thank you goes out to all the parents who have been making play dough for us. 

There are a few openings left in the play dough making schedule, if you would like to make a batch of play dough for the class, you can sign up by clicking here.

Coming Up!

Kindergarten Registration!

If your child is part of the four-year-old group, it's time to enroll them in kindergarten! Click here to register your child.

Please call the office if you need help with the registration process. 

**If your child is part of our three-year-old group, there is no need to re-register, your child's registration will automatically roll up for their second year of Early Intervention Pre-K in the upcoming school year. 

EIP Registration!

Do you have a pre-school age child who struggles with following directions, communication, separation anxiety, temper tantrums, changes in schedule or other developmental milestones? Consider having a screening and find out if your child can qualify for our Early Intervention Pre-Kindergarten program. Click here for more information and to fill out the intake form. 

**Please note, if your child is already part of our three-year-old program, there is no need to re-register, they will automatically be rolled up for their second year of EIP in the upcoming school year. 

Click here to see the rest of the pictures from our ocean week!