November 15-18

Monster Week, Continued

Our monster week was so fun we just couldn't stop. We had to carry on with our favourite monster stories, monster poems, and monster art! This week we enjoyed our favourites Go Away Big Green Monster and The Monster at the End of This Book, and we tried a new book, the sequel, Another Monster at the End of This Book.

Of course we continued to enjoy monster hunting, but we also added this fun little monster poem this week. Your child might have fun doing it at home as well!

The Gym!

We were so thrilled to begin using the gym this week! We started our gym experience off pretty slow. The focus right now is learning the gym routine and how to be safe with our bodies while we are in the gymnasium. As you can imagine, learning how to use the gym requires all staff hands to be on deck, so we did not get to snap any pictures of the physical education cuteness... Maybe in a week or two, we will be ready to bring our camera when we go!

Mindful Listening

We also took some time this week to slow down. Each day we participate in Healthy Hearts and Minds, which is something that is done daily in our school from PK all the way up to grade four. Healthy Hearts and Minds is a little time to take a break from the busyness of our day and do something that is good for our minds and/or hearts.

On Monday and Tuesday, we practiced mindful listening. We put on relaxing music, passed out glitter bottles and fidgets, and simply tried a few minutes of quiet listening. This week we successfully did three minutes, which is a long time when you are little and at school with all of your friends!

Pre-K Jersey Day!

We will be having PK jersey day this Thursday, November 25th. Feel free to wear your favourite jersey or sports t-shirt!

Dog Show and Tell Pictures Needed!

Our students have been having fun pretending to be dogs here at school, so we will be having a dog week next week.

I thought it would be fun to have a little dog picture show and tell.

I know not everyone has a pet dog, so this show and tell can be any sort of dog, such as a toy dog or a stuffed dog. It can even be a dog's friend, such as another animal or favourite stuffed animal.

To support our COVID-19 restrictions, please do not send a show and tell item to school with your child. Instead, you are welcome to email in a picture of your child with their favourite dog (or other animal). I will put the pictures in a slideshow for the students to enjoy together at school on Thursday.

Please email me your child's dog show and tell picture by next Wednesday.

Thank You, Parents and Guardians!

Thank you to all of the parents and guardians that have taken the time to meet with me over this past month. I know our lives are all busy, and I appreciate it when you take the time to connect so we can discuss how your children have been settling into school.

If you have not yet connected with me yet and are hoping to, please don't be afraid to let me know, I am always available!

Coming Up

  • December 1st: No school for PK

Click here to see the rest of the pictures from our week.