Raptor Chat

Episodes 1 - 5

Hopefully we got this technology thing figured out this week! Mrs. K is really great at editing and putting these videos together! While you are watching, you might notice that Mrs. K and myself are wearing different hats. Make sure you listen all the way through to find out why! Continue to send your awesome jokes and safely stay active so you can enter the wristband challenge below. Take care! Mr. Coffin

Copy of Wristband Challenge - April 26 - May 3

Whew! Technology sure was a challenge this past week. Mr. Coffin and I almost didn't get a Raptor Chat out to you. Many things were slow, fuzzy, or just not working at all. It is a good thing our theme of the month in the assemblies is Patience as we had to practice lots of it to get our chat done. WE loved reading all of your jokes and hope that you will keep sending us more. Take Care! We will chat with you all again soon! PS. Keep watching at the end for some bloopers.

Don't forget to join our wristband challenge! We hope that many of you take advantage of the beautiful weather that we are having and do some exercise. If you do, fill out the quick form below and you will be in our draw. Don't forget to send us a joke too! We love featuring a couple of these in our Raptor Chats!

Oooops!! No you are not seeing double, somehow Mrs. K is in the recording twice! We promise it didn't look like that when we did the recording!

It looks like we have some further learning to do with our video skills!

Enjoy our video and we look forward to having more emails and jokes sent to us.

Raptor Chat Episode 3.mp4

Please join us in our wristband challenge and enjoy some of the warmer weather that will be arriving soon!


Join us on Monday, April 20th in Raptor Spirit Wear day! You can either wear your Raptor gear or Blue, Black, and/or Grey. Please send us a picture by dropping it into this folder: RAPTOR SPIRIT WEAR PHOTOS OR by emailing it to Mrs. K at:


This week we are featuring one of our RBES students. Liam has created a COVID-19 comic book. We are highlighting the cover of his comic book here and you can click on the following link: Liam's Covid Comic to see his mom's Facebook post that contains the rest of the pages and a video of Liam reading the comic to all of us!

Well done Liam! What an awesome way to spend your time during this time at home. Your artwork is fantastic and you have a very interesting storyline. Good luck with your goal to have your own Youtube channel!

Raptor Chat - Episode 2.mp4
Easter Bunny Visits RBES 2020.mov

I hope you enjoyed the video of the Easter Bunny visit to RBES. Our Easter Bunny left a few paper eggs around our school. Did you see where he left them? Give us your answers on this short little survey for a chance to win a prize! Click on this link: Easter Egg Hunt Survey or do the survey below. There is also a spot at the end to submit a joke or a riddle!

If you would like an Easter Egg coloring page, click on one of the eggs below and it will take you to a page to download and print. If you do this, please email us a picture. We would love to see all your pretty Easter Eggs.

Raptor Chat Episode 1.mp4