September 20, 2020

Hello Robina Families! Our Weekly Update is the place to find out everything you need to know about RBES! The other place to find out must know information is on our Robina Baker website. Many of the links in our Weekly Update are linked back to the website to make things easier for you. On the website there is an About tab and a Parent tab that has many useful links and information that you will need as a parent at Robina Baker.

Our website address is:

We are working diligently to get everything organized and updated! The Robina Baker Calendar is another GREAT place to find information. You can find the calendar in the tab up above on this page or on our website under the Calendar tab. Our school calendar is a google calendar and you can subscribe to it if you have a gmail email address and import it into your own to make staying up to date as easy as pie. Please let us know if you need any help navigating through our information!


Do you have questions with regards to what happens if your child becomes ill? Check out the Alberta Health document below for a great detailed but short summary. This document guides how our school responds to student illness and the questions surrounding it.

Student Illness.pdf

The flow chart below might make it a little easier to understand what to do when your child is ill. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school!


You should have received an email asking you to complete your verification forms on your PowerSchool account. Please complete that before Thursday so your child can participate in the Terry Fox Run. The verification forms give you a chance to update your phone number, email, and physicaladdress along with any other changes to your child's information that we may need. Instructions are available on our website. If you have any questions, please call the office at 780-987-3705.

VERIFICATION FORMS ONLY NEED TO BE DONE BY RETURNING STUDENTS! New students did this as part of their registration package. Thank you!


Our students will participate in the Terry Fox Walk/Run again this year, but the format will be slightly different. Our Terry Fox Walk/Run will be on Friday, September 25.

At this point in time we are not able to have parent volunteers and so instead we will stagger our schedule and use extra support staff to ensure there is adequate supervision on the course. The course will be the same as previous years.

Kinder students will walk around the school yard and grade 1-4 students will do the traditional route. More details as to the time and a map of the route will be available in the next few days.

Donations will only be collected online this year. If you would like to donate, please click on this link!

** All parents must complete the verification form on PowerSchool which includes a walking fieldtrip permission form in order to participate in our Terry Fox Walk/Run! This form must be completed by Thursday, September 24 at 3:00 pm as per our Field Trip policy that you can read about by clicking here: FIELD TRIP PERMISSION FORM & FEE POLICY

Please join us for our School Council and Fundraising Committee meetings. Our first meeting this year will be held on Monday, September 28 at 6:00 pm. You will need to follow safety protocols for this in person meeting. You will need to hand sanitize upon entering the building and will need to wear a mask until you are seated. We will be physically distanced for our meeting and have hand sanitizer available. Due to the physical distance requirements, we need an RSVP to know how many will be in attendance so that we can set up a space with the appropriate number of chairs.

RSVP for our meetings by using the google form below or clicking on this link:

Student Supports at RBES . . .


Community Information

Letter for Free Exams to Schools.pdf

Need Student Insurance?

In addition to the blanket Student Accident insurance provided for all Black Gold students, optional insurance is available on a voluntary basis for parents to purchase. Parents can sign up for the additional insurance which can include 24 hour coverage. Click here for more information: