December 1, 2019

Student of the Week!

Congratulations to all of our current Student's of the Week! You can click on this link for individual pictures. Just a reminder: All parents are always invited to attend our assemblies. You can come for a few minutes to watch your child get Student of the Week or stay for the whole assembly!

Assembly Update:

We are continuing with the Nutrition theme that we started at the beginning of the month. Our agenda was jam packed! We had a special presentation from 1-2D & 2C. They had a very catchy song on Nutrition! Trustee Klaassen came to present some of our staff with long service awards. Mrs. Mruk was also honored with a 5 year award, but she was unable to attend. It was a wonderful surprise for all. You can see this past Friday's agenda below. Thank you to all the guests that came out to watch the assembly!


Such an enthusiastic and informative song and dance; they had eyes riveted on them!

5 Years: Miss Pam, Ms. Coleman, Mrs. Kaluza, Mrs. Mruk; 10 Years: Ms. Garlough; 15 Years: Mrs. Warrell; 20 Years: Mrs. Kloschinsky

Week 11: November 29, 2019 Good One

Comfy Couch Winners

Tessa (Dec. 2 aft); Gavin (Dec. 2 eve); Jeremy (Dec. 3 aft); Carter (Dec. 3 eve); Aria (Dec. 4 eve)

Pizza With The Principals Winners

Lunch together on Tuesday, Dec. 3. Pizza generously donated by Florida Pizza.


We will once again be holding our annual Paint Days! Each grouping will fill up quickly and have a maximum number of students. Register early so you are not disappointed. Ms. Coleman will once again be leading this School Council sponsored event with her amazing talent. She will have samples ready for us in the next couple of days.

Students can stay after school and have a quick nutritious snack with Mrs. K in the meeting place while things get set up and then head straight into the painting activity. Watch your email for more details and the sample projects. There are also more details on the permission form when you register. You can use the link below to register now:

School drop off starts at 8:15 am. There is no guaranteed supervision or access into the school before this time!

We need volunteers for the upcoming paint nights! Please sign up when you register your child on PowerSchool! Grandparents, aunts and uncles are welcome!

We attended the ASCA member engagement opportunity over the weekend. It was very informative and we hope to utilize their resources to initiate change. Stay tuned for more details. Check out their website:

Black Gold Flyer.pdf

Reminders . . .

December 2 - Hot Lunch Orders are Due! 3:00 pm

December 2 - Christmas Concerts - Grades 3 & 4

December 3 - Christmas Concerts - Grades 1 & 2

December 4 - Christmas Concerts - Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten

December 4 - EARLY DISMISSAL - 2:21 pm

December 5 - Christmas Elves Drop Off Grade 3

December 6 - PD DAY NO SCHOOL!

December 9 - Grade PK & K

December 10 - Grade 1 & 2

December 11 - Paint Day - Grade 3 & 4

December 12 - Book Donations for Little Warriors due!

December 18 - Save the Date - Family Gingerbread House Making Night

Have a great week!


Workshops, contests, counseling, family events and connections and so much more!