NOVEMBER 15, 2020

At our Remembrance Day virtual ceremony this past week, we honored our veterans and the fallen. Our grade 4s were able to contribute to our ceremony albeit in a different way than in the past, but it was equally memorable. You can view our program below. It includes links to any videos that the students watched. Mrs. Horrock captured part of the ceremony on her computer and it is there for you to see. This might give you some insight into our virtual world at school to help us maintain our physical distance. We hope you were all able to take a few moments in time on November 11 to remember and to appreciate our country and our freedom due to the efforts of our soldiers.

Remembrance Day Program 2020.pdf

A handy new summary of the newest guidelines that became effective November 2, 2020:

There are lots of events/items coming soon to RBES and we wanted you to have an idea of what to expect in the next couple of months. You can subscribe to our RBES Calendar to have live updates on your phone through the gmail app or you can find our calendar on this blog under the Calendar tab or on the RBES website at this link:

There are instructions on that page on how to easily add the calendar to your device!

  • RBES Spell-a-thon - Money is due Tuesday, November 17

  • Christmas Card Art Project/Fundraiser - The completed projects look amazing and card samples will arrive on Monday, November 16 - DUE BACK Friday, November, 20th

  • Casino Fundraiser for our playground - December 26 & 27

  • Raptor Spirit Wear - coming soon

The AHS Children, Youth and Families - Addiction and Mental Health Caregiver Education Team is proud to be able to continue to offer free mental health programming for parents and caregivers of children and youth through our partnership with the Mental Health Foundation. In response to the global pandemic, our programming continues to be offered virtually at this time.

See the newsletter below for more information on topics, dates, times, and registration.

· Caregiver Education Sessions

These 90 minute online sessions are intended to provide parents, caregivers, teachers, and community members with introductory information regarding addiction and mental health challenges that can affect children/youth. Unless specified, sessions are for an adult audience.

· Lunch & Learn Webinar Series

This month, we will be offering webinars on sleep and your family’s mental health, ADHD, and the first of a four part series on anxiety. These 60 minute informational webinars are for parents/caregivers who are looking to strengthen their child’s/adolescent’s ability to thrive through life’s challenges and discover strategies that can help build resiliency and overall family wellness.

· PEAR Groups

Parent Groups are back—virtually! In November, we will be starting ‘Resiliency in the Face of Stress and Anxiety’; a series of six 120 minute online interactive group workshops where parents will receive practical information, share parenting tips, practice skills, and participate in group collaboration, reflection, and support. For parents of children in grades 5-8.

· SEEDS Drop-In Sessions

The Support, Education, and Engagement Drop-In Sessions (S.E.E.D.S) are 90 minute, drop-in, interactive and educational workshops. They are designed to help parents/caregivers learn foundational strategies that cultivate healthy relationships, strong child development, and resilient families.

CYF Caregiver Education Newsletter - November 2020.pdf
BGCBigs S.E.E.D.S Poster FALL 2020.pdf
BGCBigs Caregiver Sessions November.pdf