JANUARY 31, 2021

We are so very lucky at RBES to work with our MHCB (Mental Health Capacity Buildingt) team to participate in a number of different projects and activities to learn great strategies and promote wellness. This last project was so awesome and our students had a wonderful time with their "Growing our Gratitude" project. Special Thanks goes out to MHCB team members Cherie and Angela for creating the fabulous bulletin board display for our student's wooden hearts of gratitude! You can see a few more pictures here!

Robina Baker students will have the opportunity to participate in our school Winter Walk Day on Wednesday, February 3. We will be utilizing our "walking field trip form" that all parents filled out in September and will use the same route that we did for the Terry Fox Walk/Run. Students will basically be following the sidewalk in a big loop just outside of our school property going by the pool, arena, IGA, Town Office, police and fire station. Unfortunately due to COVID protocols we still can't have volunteers. Hopefully that will change soon. We will have a couple of extra EA subs on hand to help us out. Our students have been provided a treat by the Town of Devon and it is appreciated. Normally we have hot chocolate and since that is not possible, each of our students will receive a granola bar. The treats have been at school for over a week and have been quarantined for your child's safety. The schedule is below so that you have an idea of when your child might be out on the loop and want to watch out for them to take a photo!

Many of our students and staff had fun participating in Twin Day this past Thursday. This was definitely a trickier theme day as it was harder to see some of our twins, but thanks to the creativity of many of our teachers, a number of twin costumes prevailed. You can see some highlights below and CLICK ON THIS LINK to see more pictures!

Check out this week's library post for a look at some tips on how to be a good storyteller!


Students will create special Valentines in school to hand out to classmates.

There are lots of events/items coming soon to RBES and we wanted you to have an idea of what to expect in the next couple of months. You can subscribe to our RBES Calendar to have live updates on your phone through the gmail app or you can find our calendar on this blog under the Calendar tab or on the RBES website at this link: rbes.blackgold.ca/calendar/rbes-calendar/

There are instructions on that page on how to easily add the calendar to your device!

The pandemic has caused delays and made it difficult to accomplish some of our goals at RBES and fundraising for our new playground is one of those areas that has been affected. Our RBES Fundraising Committee works hard each year to provide some basics for your children, such as paying for agendas and our Mathletics subscription. They have also been hard at work trying to get some community grants and to come up with Covid friendly fundraisers for our playground. The group has also been trying to be mindful to not over inundate our parents with fundraising and general asks for money. We have been lucky enough to have been granted a Casino to help with our fundraising, however, that is delayed; again due to Covid restrictions. In the meantime, we have a donation drive coming shortly and details will be released in the coming days. Stay Tuned!