The students really enjoyed the large dump of snow that we had and could have stayed outside all day to play in it! Snow forts, snow angels, making hills, burying themselves and rolling around were all part of the fun!

Christmas Concerts

Thank you to everyone who came out to watch our Christmas Concerts. All concerts were well attended and the students did a fantastic job! We are so very proud of them all. A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to all the RBES staff who worked together to make this Christmas concert happen. We would also like to send out a SPECIAL Thank You to Mrs. Stanski for her dedication and all of her hard work. Thank you also goes out to IGA and Independent Foods for providing us with bags for shoes for our concert patrons. Click here for a link to more Christmas Concert photos.

And the winner is....

The winners of the Christmas Cash Raffle were:

  • First - Marie Murray
  • Second - Paige Dumont
  • Third - Sherry Wilder

Thank you to everyone who purchased! Just over $4500 was raised for our new playground.


Once again the RBES community has shown how amazingly generous they are! Lots of food and toys were donated to this worthy cause and our Grade 3s did a great job advertising, sorting, organizing and delivering all of the food and toys dropped off at our school! Thank you very much Rhonda for donating your time to help our students move all of that food to the Devon Christmas Elves.

Boston Pizza

This is the last week for collecting Boston Pizza receipts before Christmas. A draw for a gift certificate will be made. A new round for collecting receipts begins in January. Thank you for your continued support!

Reminders . . .

December 11 - Grade 4s to Leduc No 1

December 10-12 - Kid's Christmas Paint Days (3:30 - 5:00)

10th - Age 3-5

11th - Age 6-8

12th - Ages 9+

December 14 - Show Your Christmas Spirit Dress Up Day

December 21 - PJ and Stuffie Day (and afternoon movie in the gym)

December 21 - Last day of school before Christmas Break

December 22 - January 6 - Christmas Break

January 7 - School resumes

Community News / Information:

RCSD Caregiver Education Sessions - Winter Poster 2019.pdf