JANUARY 19, 2020

Skating Starts this week!

The Kindergarten through grade 4 students will be going skating for two weeks this year. This first week is January 20-23 and the second one occurring February 24-27. Each grade will have a half-hour time slot on the ice in which they will be participating in learn to skate activities and games which are appropriate for their ability level.

*** A few permission forms are still needed. As per our field trip policy, these need to be filled out by 3:15 pm today (Sunday, January 19). The permission form is available on PowerSchool and provides permission for both weeks. If the weather requires us to change our week of skating, we will let parents know, but this permission form will cover both weeks.

Complete details are available on our website

Congratulations to all of our current Student's of the Week! You can click on this link for individual pictures. Just a reminder: All parents are always invited to attend our assemblies. You can come for a few minutes to watch your child get Student of the Week or stay for the whole assembly!


Week 15: January 17th, 2020

Kinder Registration opens this week - Jan 22

If you have a child who will be 5 by Dec. 31, 2020, you can register them for the 2020 - 2021 Kindergarten class. You can click on the picture below to take you to the Black Gold website where you can see more information. Registration for Kindergarten only will begin on January 22 at 9:00 am. Pre-K registration will be on March 25 at 9:00 am. All registrations must be done online through the BGSD website. If you have any questions, please call our office staff at 780-987-3705.

FREE Event for all RBES Families!!

Passport to Family Wellness Event: Click on either of the images (above or below) to take you directly to the registration link or fill out the form below. Deadline to register is JANUARY 22 @ 5:00 pm. Register early to avoid disappointment! Families will start the evening off with a sit down meal together at 5:30 pm. We will be serving tacos. See you there!

The electronics recycle bin will be arriving in the first part of February! Make sure you save them to bring to our school and help us raise some money!

Black Gold Flyer.pdf

This year we don't have a dedicated staff member who will be at the arena for all of the skating. This means that we need more volunteers on the ice. If you can skate, please consider coming out to help! If you can't skate, but have time, we always need help with tying skates as well. If you are able to volunteer, please email your child's teacher. Thank you in advance for your help!

The Student Drop-Off Area located on the northwest side of the school along the teacher’s parking lot is a drop and go area. Please allow the traffic to keep moving and limit your parking to two minutes or less so that other parents may safely drop-off their children. If parents want to visit after drop off we ask that they park elsewhere. Also, using crosswalks is not only a good way to set an example for our children, it also is the law. Please set a good example and use the crosswalks at all times. These small things are extra important in weeks like we just had where the buses are not running causing so much traffic in and around the school.

It is Skating Week next week and we need volunteers both on ice and in the dressing rooms tying skates. TWO parents are required to be on the ice at all times with the children. You need not be highly skilled skater, just able to get around a bit on the ice. If you are able to go out with your child’s class please let your teacher know or if you know of an aunt, uncle or grandparent who can skate please encourage them to volunteer. We are so lucky to provide this opportunity for the children, it would be a shame if a class would have to miss out!

Black Gold School Division’s “Council of School Council’s” will be held in February. We are excited to be invited to this event and look forward to collaborating with other local School Councils.

Reminders . . .

January 20-23 - Skating Week

January 20 - Grade 4 to Rabbit Hill

January 22 - Kindergarten Registration starts for 2020-2021

January 24 - 4A/4B presentation at assembly

January 29 - Passport to Family Wellness Evening

January 29 & 30 - Bake Sale to support Australia - more info soon!

January 30 - Report Cards will be emailed home

AHS Information


Brain Development PD

Dr. Gibb poster.pdf