Friday 17th May 2024
Our Extended Leadership Team met yesterday afternoon for the first of three review and planning sessions in May focused on school improvement for 2024-25. There was a great deal of quality discussion around how to improve pupil attendance, potential changes to tracking, reporting and course choice processes, and quality assuring our work, all to continue to raise the attainment of all our young people.
Thank you to all staff, parents/ carers and students who completed our recent surveys as this valuable information is contributing to our improvement work, and the School Improvement Plan (SIP) for 2024-25 will be published in June.
We are also all looking forward to Monday’s Inset day where staff’s key professional learning focus is on our core business of Learning and Teaching: reviewing what teaching techniques we have been working on all year and the impact upon pupils’ learning.
I’m sure pupils will enjoy the day off school!
Have a lovely weekend.
Jodie Hannan
Key Dates
Monday 20 May: Inset Day for staff only, and S1 reports sent home.
Tuesday 21 May: all pupils return to school, and Parent Council meeting 7-9pm in school.
Thursday 30 May: Parents’ Information session for new S5, S5 and S6, 6-7pm in school
Monday 3 June: new timetable for S2-S6 begins.
Wednesday 5 June: P7 (new S1) Parents’ Information session 6-7pm in school.
Thursday 13 June: Summer dance for new S2 and S3 pupils 6-8pm.
Friday 14 June: S6 Prom.
Friday 14, Monday 17 & Tuesday 18 June: P7 Transition Days.
Tuesday 18 June: Sports Award ceremony 7-9 pm. This date has changed from Wednesday 19 June due to a clash with a Euro match.
Thursday 20 June: Parent Council briefing online 7-8pm
Thursday 27 June: Sports’ Day 9am-1pm.
Friday 28 June: term ends for summer holidays.
School Improvement Planning for Session 2024-25
We like to hear the views of as many parents and carers as possible and I’m asking for your support in helping us identify the aspects we are doing well at Musselburgh Grammar School, as well as asking for the areas you think we can do better in/ need to focus on in the next session.
Our school Vision of ‘striving for excellence, caring for all’ underpins all that we do, and includes listening to families’ views. It is really important to us at Musselburgh Grammar School that we don’t only collate your views but also use the opportunity to reflect on and take your opinion into consideration when planning our school improvement priorities.
We have already identified improving attendance as one of our priorities as lack of attendance in school seriously affects the progress young people can make.
As part of this self evaluation and planning process we are also keen to have some Parent focus groups to discuss the results and possible solutions to any key areas we need to address.
If S1-S3 Parents/Carers could complete this survey
If S4-S6 Parents/Carers could complete this survey
complete by midnight on Monday 13 May we would be very grateful. Your views are very much valued.
S1-S3 pupil survey
As well as seeking feedback from parents, carers and school staff, I am very keen to hear the views of our young people, and ask for parents' support with this where possible.
This is the link for current S1-S3 pupils, and it has also been sent to all pupils’ edubuzz accounts for completion by 4pm on Tuesday 14 May:
Thank you very much.
S4-S6 pupil survey
As well as seeking feedback from parents, carers and school staff, I am very keen to hear the views of our young people, and ask for parents' support with this where possible.
This is the link for current S4-S6 pupils, and it has also been sent to all pupils’ edubuzz accounts for completion by 4pm on Tuesday 14 May:
Thank you very much.
School Leavers
If your young person is intending to leave school at the end of this term, please remind them they must come to the office to collect a leaver's form. They can do this any time from now on, and the form needs to be returned by May 31st.
Please be informed that if parental consents have not been returned, pupils will regrettably not be allowed to participate in scheduled off site events during May due to Health & Safety reasons.
As there are no classes timetable for May, pupils will be sent home if they are not taking part in the programme.
It is unfortunate the lack of engagement considering the array of exciting opportunities and interactive employability sessions, CV workshops, mock interviews, British Army and Navy Team Building. We have also had Police Scotland, First Aid Training and Fire Services contributing.
The Zoo visit is fully subscribed but there will be Barista training next week, Making Money Matter, Robertson Construction and a visit to Edinburgh Castle.
I would highly recommend you talk to your child and let them know the valuable transferable skills they could be learning prior to entering the world of work.
We will publish a weekly timetable of events every Thursday due to last minute changes and pupil engagement.
- All of the above events are in school, pupils must enter by the rear door due to examinations
- Please appreciate pupils are sitting exams, keep the noise to a minimum
- All Pupils to meet in the rear social area to be registered
Musselburgh Beekeepers!
With Spring finally here, the beekeepers are busy carrying out checks on the hives and working through the final sections of their NPA award. Our senior cohort of 16 Beekeepers have all gained their NPA Award in Beekeeping. This includes practical assessments, as well as learning the theory of beekeeping and the role of bees in British Agriculture.
Beekeeping comes with lots of challenges as the seasons change. One of the hives lost it’s queen over the Easter holidays. The pupils found this out during the inspection as there was no evidence of eggs or larvae. Without a queen, a colony will eventually die off so the team needed to come up with a solution. A frame of eggs was transferred in from the S5/6 hive and the bees will hopefully now raise a queen. We will update you later in the term to tell you whether this has been successful! Our other hives are building up very healthy colonies for the summer and the bees can be seen bringing in pollen to the hive and building up plenty of stores for the workers and drones.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh group enjoyed stunning weather this week on their practice expedition along the John Muir Way. They set off from Thorntonloch with their bags fully equipped for the two day walk and an overnight camp at Belhaven Bay. In smaller groups of four to seven, the students worked together navigating their way along the coast and preparing a meal together at the campsite. Wish them all the best as they prepare for their assessed expedition very soon!
Blackpool Trip
S3 Administration pupils had a fantastic day in Blackpool yesterday. The sun was shining and the pupils were a credit to the school.
Senior Phase Parents’ Information evening Thursday 30 May.
Ms Craigie, DHT, and I will be holding an information session for all parents and carers of new S4, S5 and S6 parents on Thursday 30 May 6-7pm in school in advance of the new timetable commencing on Monday 3 June. Pupils are very welcome to attend with their parents and carers.
P7 Parents’ Information evening Wednesday 5 June.
Mr Scott, DHT Pupil Support, and I will be holding an information session for all parents and carers of our new S1 pupils on Wednesday 5 June 6-7pm in advance of the primary transition days on Friday 14th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th June. Pupils are very welcome to attend with their parents and carers.
Immersion May Timetable
Don't forget we are running the Immersion May program please attend where possible, pupils in previous years have found them invaluable for the exams. Subjects, dates and times can be found here.
Exam Stress
Feeling Stressed about Exams?
Have a wee look at the Mental Health Youth Work’s site on Exam Stress here :Mental Health & Wellbeing - Exam Stress (
Or listen to their podcast on stress here: Mental Health & Wellbeing - Podcasts (
East Lothian Council Arts Service
East Lothian Council Arts Service is delighted to offer a selection of taster sessions at the Bridge Centre (Haddington) on Saturday 25 and Sun 26 May, with MGS’ very own Scene One performing in the Battle of the Bands on Sunday afternoon!
These sessions form part of the wider Haddstock festival, and will run alongside the Newcomer Stage and ELJam's Battle of the Bands competition.
No previous experience will be required but places are limited and you will need to book online. (Pay what you can afford)
We will be offering:
Family samba drumming
Community singing
Introduction to drama
Musical Theatre
If listening is more your thing, we have a Newcomers Showcase at the Haddington Corn Exchange (12-4pm), which features youth acts from Haddington and around East Lothian:
Woodwind warriors
Dance network
Knox guitar ensemble
String quartet
Knox jazz band
Room 5
The watts
Room 27
Human renegade
On Sunday 26th you are also very welcome to come along to the Battle of the Bands competition to hear 12 bands from 6 local high schools perform:
Oddsocks (Knox A)
The Watts (Dunbar GS)
Sixteen Again (Ross HS)
Cryptid (Knox)
Girls of Stone (DGS)
Room 5 (RHS)
High Speed Real Estate (North Berwick HS)
Black Diamonds (Prestonlodge)
Scene One (Musselburgh GS)
Title of Your Mixtape (NBHS)
Sofia’s Choice (PL)
About ’08 (MGS).
We hope to see you there. It’s going to be a fabulous weekend of local talent on display!
Families Together East Lothian
Families Together East Lothian has a survey online at the moment to seek views on the challenges families face just now and family supports that exist in East Lothian. Participants can be in with a chance to win a £50 shopping voucher when they complete the short survey.
Win a £50 shopping voucher
There are all sorts of reasons that families can feel pressured. Our Families Together East Lothian Team is out and about in the county speaking with families about the challenges they face and what helps them to thrive.
Share your views on what works for your family and how you feel about your local area by completing a short online survey. Your views will help shape support for families in East Lothian and you could even win a £50 shopping voucher!
Find out more about Families Together East Lothian and how they could support you, and complete the survey:
The survey closes on 21 June.
For all young people.
If you’re in need of a bit of support for general health and wellbeing. Our NHS school nurse will be in our wellbeing room on Wednesdays from 9-12. For more information come to your Pupil Support Leader.
MMR Vaccine will be given to pupils on Monday 10th June 2024. You will only be vaccinated if you received a form. This will take place in the training room, see me if you have any questions. Thank you C Harvey.
MGS Website
We're currently working on our new school website and will be communicating with parents about this very soon. Some areas are still 'under construction', but if you want a sneak peek, you can access it via this link for now.