Friday 8th March 2024

Term is running away from us again with Easter not far away at all, so I thought it would be worthwhile to note the key school dates from March-June 2024 to help plan diaries. More details on specific events will be available closer to the time. 

It was a pleasure to meet the Eco Club this week, with Holly, Ella, Ursula and Maya leading the discussions on how sustainable our classrooms and school currently are and could be; where we source our energy from; how to improve the recycling of food waste, cans and crisp packets across school; opening up gardening opportunities for more pupils; cleaning the fish pond, and improving our garden space. The Club is already composting food waste from Home Economics and putting up insect hotels, and keen to do so much more. 

Thanks to Dr Brown, Biology,  Mr Dewar, Physics, and Ms Gillies, Home Economics, for supporting these enthusiastic and committed young people. 

I also met the Head Pupil Team to talk through ideas for their last official day in school, Thursday 28 March: this will follow once plans are agreed. 

All S6 pupils are expected in school 16-19 April where the focus will solidly be upon preparing for SQA exams which begin the following week including  Immersion classes for the first exams in the week beginning 22 April. 

The full Immersion timetable will be published shortly. 

With best wishes for an enjoyable and sunny weekend.

Jodie Hannan


Key Dates

Friday 15 March: Red Nose Day, including dress down fundraising for Comic Relief. This event is being organised by Eva Hills, Head Pupil, and Madame Dreon- Goold’s senior Personal Development Award class. 

Wednesday 27th March: Spring Concert 6-8pm.

Thursday 28 March: term ends for Easter holidays, and is the last official day for S6. 

Tuesday 16  April: all pupils and staff return to school, and Parent Council online briefing 7-8pm 

Monday 22 April: Study leave for all S4-S6 pupils sitting N5, Higher and AH exams begins. 

Monday 20 May: Inset Day for staff only, and S1 reports sent home this is Modern Studies with Geography week. 

Tuesday 21 May: all pupils return to school, and Parent Council meeting 7-9pm in school.

Monday 3 June: new timetable for S2-S6 begins. 

Thursday 13 June: Summer dance for new S2 and S3 pupils 6-8pm.  

Friday 14, Monday 17 & Tuesday 18 June: P7 Transition Days.

Wednesday 19 June: Sports Award ceremony 7-9 pm. 

Thursday 27 June: Sports’ Day 9am-1pm.

Friday 28 June: term ends for summer 


We are currently recruiting for a permanent full time post in Modern Studies with Geography, as well as Business Studies. 

Interviews for the Modern Studies and Geography post are on Monday 11 March.

House assemblies

House assemblies this week were led by Charlie Devine, Head Pupil, speaking to all pupils about neurodiversity as it is neurodiversity week next week. Charlie wanted to raise awareness  and this is the information he shared with his peers this week 

House Points

Grange are in the lead and there is still all to play for the last few months of the session, but huge congratulations to Mr Fox’s 1M2 registration class who are the highest collectors of House points across all classes in all houses!

The focus for House points in March is 'Perseverance through Punctuality' to remind pupils of the importance of being on time to all classes so that no learning time is lost. 

Even being 5 minutes late to class each day has a significant impact upon learning, and our concern about punctuality and attendance is not just for those pupils in Senior Phase with exams looming, but from the beginning of high school in S1. 

I would really appreciate parents and carers’ support in discussing with their child/ren the importance of attending every class every day and being on time.  Attendance will be a key focus in school over the next few months and new school year as it is a key barrier to learning, attainment and achievement. 


A reminder that all pupils need to sign in with Miss Harvey or the School Office if arriving after 08:40 am. 


If you are unwell during the school day please go and see Ms Harvey she will sign you out of school. Do not leave the school without permission. Thank you C Harvey

               Thursday 21st March 2024

All S1 Boys and Girls and catch ups 

HPV Vaccination 

         Only pupils who received a form are to go to the hall 

                                                                                                         1C1       9:00am                                    S2      11:50am

                                                                                                         1C2       9:35am                                    S3      11:55am

                                                                                                         1G1     10:00am                                   S4     12:20pm                

                                                                                                         1G2     10:30am                                   S5     12:20pm

                                                                                                         1M1    11:30am                                   S6      12:30pm

                                                                                                         1M2   11:45am

Safety Reminder

There have been some reports of near misses in the carpark at drop-off/pick-up times. Can we please ask drivers to be mindful, and remind  pupils to walk safely in the carpark at these busy times.

Exam Support

Exam season is almost upon us again this year - please see below for Easter study support.

Here's the link to MGS Easter Revision   Easter Revision 2023-2024 

Here's the link to our Assessment Calendar 2023 -2024 

Registration for e-Sgoil Easter Study Support 2024 is now OPEN.

Easter Study Support is for Senior Phase learners who are working towards National Qualifications. This year there are seventy-four different webinar Teams, covering a wide range of subjects and levels. Each group will meet for three webinar sessions during the holidays.

On this page: Easter Study Support | e-Sgoil you’ll find the timetable for the full Easter Study Support programme, as well as supporting materials, and information on how to register. Easter webinars will run between April 2nd and April 11th. 

To register for Easter Study Support, you need to do three things.

(Please note - if you already attend Evening Webinars, you need to register separately for Easter Study Support.)

This is an additional Easter Revision Programme to the one offered at MGS (details were published in last week’s newsletter). Pupils are encouraged to attend both if possible. E-sgoil is a remote offering i.e. online based. 

If you are interested in finding out more about E-sgoil, the following link will take you to a podcast from Education Scotland: Education Scotland podcast | Education Scotland ( 


Eva Hills, our Head Girl, has registered the school with Comic Relief to raise funds on Friday 15th March. Mme Dreon-Goold in SFL and her Personal Development class have been making friendship bracelets and other items of jewellery to sell. 

Pupils in SFL will be baking next week for the bake sale.

Kitchen staff have also offered to participate in the Bake sale. Next Friday will also be a dress down day for Comic Relief

Cost of the school day - What are we doing now at MGS?

This year, the equity group at Musselburgh Grammar School have been collating what we do as a school to reduce the impact of the cost of the school day for young people, parents and carers. Below is an example of some of the things we are doing now to support young people and families.

Health and Wellbeing 


Modern Languages 





Expressive Arts 

Art & Design

English and Communication

STEM Technologies 

Active Schools

Other Supports

We are continuing to work on our school trip policy and hope to share this with families in June. Hopefully this will clarify our position on school trips and what we are doing to minimise the costs for families. It is worth noting that those who are eligible and have registered for Free School Meals will be offered a discount on all school trips so if you haven’t applied yet, now would be a good time.

We are always looking at improving things at Musselburgh Grammar School and we invite all parents and carers to give their views on what we can do to support your family with the cost of the school day. You can give your views by emailing Carrie McLean, Curriculum Leader Inclusion and Nurture on


Eva Hills, our Head Girl, has registered the school with Comic Relief to raise funds on Friday 15th March. Mme Dreon-Goold in SFL and her Personal Development class have been making friendship bracelets and other items of jewellery to sell. 

Pupils in SFL will be baking next week for the bake sale.

Kitchen staff have also offered to participate in the Bake sale. Next Friday will also be a dress down day for Comic Relief

‘The Wrap Up', with Charlie & Eva

Welcome to another edition of  ‘The Wrap Up', with Charlie & Eva, we hope everyone has had a good week and is ready for the weekend!

This week's assemblies have been focussing on neurodiversity awareness and celebration. Official neurodiversity celebration week is taking place this year between the 18th-24th March, and there are lots of free to attend, online events you can attend during this time to find out more about neurodiversity and how it can impact people in 2024. Visit the link Neurodiversity Celebration Week ( to find out more about what events are taking place this year if you’re interested.

For all senior pupils, it’s coming to the end of the year. It’s only a matter of week until study leave for exams will start so whether these are your first exams here at MGS or your last, remember study support for your subjects is likely on after school so if you want to get some more studying in feel free to contact your teachers in person or via email for more information. 

The MGS medical society had a great start last week during Monday lunchtime. It will be on every other week, including next week, and will be taking place in Dr Brown's room. It’s for anyone thinking about or who wants to apply for a medical degree at university or wants to work in medicine in future to help prepare for everything coming your way, (i.e. Personal statement prep, UCAT practice, Mock Interview questions etc), and to connect with others who may have similar interests and plans to you. 

British Science Week is coming up! The school assemblies next week will be about british science week, an annual event that schools take part in across britain that aims to get young people and students excited to learn about science and encourages them to explore their science based interests. This year the week has a theme of ‘time’, and how time can relate and link back to different forms of science. There will also be events held across the week, between the 8th-17th March, so if you’re interested in science or you’re curious about what British Science Week has to offer, take a look at the website linked here: Homepage - British Science Week.

Next Friday the 15th of March, there will be a bake & craft sale in the assembly hall at break time in aid of Comic Relief. This day will also be a dress down day, so make sure to wear your best clothes! This is being organised by Madame Dreon-Goold’s personal development class! It will be a great day, so make sure to bring in some money! 

Thank you for reading this week’s ‘The Wrap Up with Charlie and Eva’. We hope you’ve had a great week and you enjoy your weekend!

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