Reference # 229

Spencer Navy Rifle Bayonet 

Information about this bayonet

This bayonet has a typical Collins style short hilt.  The smooth ribbed brass hilt is 118 mm long and has 15 ribs.  The muzzle ring is flush to the hilt flat and the inside diameter is 20.3 mm.  There is a forward swept round finial on the bottom of the guard and no finial on top of the muzzle ring.  The press stud and 51 mm long spring are typical Collins constructionThe center of the cross guard has a steel rivet through the blade. 

The lug slot is chamfered around the top edge and there is a 19.4 mm guide slot.   

The yataghan blade is 511 mm long, 28.3 mm wide, 8.0 mm thick and has unstopped fullers.  Examples are found marked on the left ricasso, COLLINS & CO / HARTFORD / CONN in three straight lines and COLLINS & CO (arc) / HARTFORD / CONN.  The right ricasso is usually dated 1861 or 1862.  

The serial number has been found in multiple locations on the hilt.  

Information from other sources

Rollin Davis, US Sword Bayonets 1847 to 1865, states that the Navy ordered 700 Spencer Rifles with sword bayonets June 22 1862.  703 were delivered by February 3, 1863.


Davis also claims that the brass hilted sword bayonets were made by Collins Co. of Harford, Connecticut.  The overall length is 24 ¾ inches (628 mm), the blade length is 20 1/8 inches (511 mm) and the blade width is 1 1/16 inches (27 mm) at the hilt.  Collins’ horizontal 3 line logo is stamped on the left ricasso and the right ricasso is dated 1861.  The flat of the hilt is unmarked and has a ¾ inch (19.1mm) guide slot.  The hilt of the bayonet is serial numbered to the rifle on the end of the pommel.

Speculation and questions

The overall length minus the blade length dimensions given by Davis leaves a hilt length of 117 which implies that the Collins short hilt was used for his example.  In the examples listed below it appears that the serial numbering is not confined just to the pommel end. Also 1862 dated examples exist as well.  The guide slot length is a big issue here and more research is needed to verify or disprove.


It is believed that serial numbers for these rifles range from 1 to 750.

Example Reference # 1783

Note!  All measurements are in millimeters

Muzzle Ring Diameter --------- 20.3

Overall Length ----------------- 629

Hilt Length -------------------- 118

Blade Length ------------------ 511

Blade Width ------------------- 28.3

Blade Thickness --------------- 8.0

Press Stud Spring Length ----- 51

Guide Slot Length ------------- 19.4

Lug to Stop Length ----------- 17.2

Lug Slot Width --------------- 5.2

Lug Width -------------------- 9.6

Lug Thickness ---------------- 2.2

This example has the serial number 155 stamped on the pommel end in a large 3.5 mm font.  The hilt flat is unmarked.  The left ricasso is marked COLLINS & CO (arc) / HARTFORD / CONN.  The right ricasso is dated 1862.

Example Reference # 1767

Note!  All measurements are in millimeters

Muzzle Ring Diameter --------- 20.0

Overall Length ----------------- 616*

Hilt Length -------------------- 118

Blade Length ------------------ 498*

Blade Width ------------------- 28.2

Blade Thickness --------------- 8.4

Lock to Muzzle Length -------- 100

Press Stud Spring Length ----- 51

Guide Slot Length ------------- 19.3

Lug to Stop Length ----------- 16.5

Lug Slot Width --------------- 5.0

Lug Width -------------------- 9.5

Lug Thickness ---------------- 2.4

*The blade tip has been repointed with a significant loss in OAL and blade length.

This bayonet has the serial number 81 stamped on the right side of the pommel in a large 5.5 mm font.  The hilt flat is unmarked.  The left ricasso is marked COLLINS & CO (arc) / HARTFORD / CONN.  The right ricasso is dated 1862. The ricassos have been filed and the markings are faint.

Example Reference # 1800

Note!  All measurements are in millimeters

Muzzle Ring Diameter --------- 20.2

Overall Length ----------------- 625*

Hilt Length -------------------- 119

Blade Length ------------------ 506*

Blade Width ------------------- 27.6

Blade Thickness --------------- 8.6

Lock to Muzzle Length -------- 100

Press Stud Spring Length ----- 52

Guide Slot Length ------------- 19.7

Lug to Stop Length ----------- 17.8

Lug Slot Width --------------- 4.8

Lug Width -------------------- 9.3

Lug Thickness ---------------- 2.6

*The tip of the blade is missing a few millimeters causing a loss in OAL and blade length.

This bayonet has the serial number 138 stamped on both sides of the cross guard just below the muzzle ring in a large 3 mm font.  The hilt flat is unmarked.  The left ricasso is marked COLLINS & CO / HARTFORD / CONN in three straight lines and the right ricasso is dated 1861.