
『The early development of face and body perception』

@Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV) 2019

Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision 2019年大会において、公募シンポジウム「The early development of face and body perception」が開催されました。(企画者:中央大学研究開発機構 楊嘉楽機構助教、愛媛大学 大塚由美子准教授)

  • 日時:7月30日 9:00-11:00
  • 会場:立命館大学いばらきキャンパス(大阪府茨木市)
  • 参加者:約40名(外国人参加者10名)

シンポジウムでは、Naiqi Gabriel Xiao先生(Princeton University)、Sarina Hui-Lin Chien先生(China Medical University)、Elena Nava先生(University of Milan-Bicocca)、楊嘉楽氏(中央大学)、平井真洋先生(自治医科大学)の5名の話題提供者をお招きし、顔知覚と身体知覚の発達をテーマとした多様な心理学的研究についてご講演いただきました。観察時間、眼球運動、EEG(脳波)、SCR(皮膚コンダクタンス反応)といった多様な方法を用いた、顔・身体知覚の発達について最前線の研究成果が発表されました。学会参加者の関心を集め、シンポジウム会場では多くの来場者による活発な議論が行われました。



Naiqi G. Xiao (Princeton University)

Biased early social development by perceptual experience: Evidence from mono-racial Asian countries

Sarina Hui-Lin Chien (China Medical University)

The development and challenges of becoming a native face expert: Insights from Taiwanese children

Elena Nava (University of Milan-Bicocca)

Multisensory contributions to the development of body representation

Jiale Yang (University of Tokyo)

The effect of tactile-visual interactions on body representation in infants

Masahiro Hirai (Jichi Medical University)

Development of bodily movement perception in preverbal infants

Symposium Abstracts:

Human possess remarkable capacities to process face- and body-related signals. Prior studies consistently reported visual sensitivities to face and body at birth (e.g., Filippetti et al., 2013; Johnson et al., 1991). Moreover, culture specific experience shapes the development of the visual system to develop expertise for specific types of faces and bodies (e.g., own-race faces and communicative body gestures). Furthermore, it is well known that the development of face and body perception is at the foundation of more complex perceptual and cognitive abilities, such as learning and social skills. In this symposium, we will present 5 talks focusing on the early development of face and body perception from infancy to childhood by using a broad range of research methods: skin conductance, electroencephalogram (EEG), eye-tracking, and psychophysics measurements.

Xiao will show how experience of face-race determines early development of infants’ social perception, social learning, and stereotype formation. Chien will show that the pervasive own-race face experience shapes the development of fine-grained and efficient face perception across childhood, which further links to biased social development in childhood. Nava examines the development of multisensory integration from early infancy to childhood and its contribution to the development of body representation. Yang will show tactile information facilitates visual processing in infants, and how body representation modulates this multisensory enhancement. Hirai will talk about infants’ perception of body movements and bodily gestures, and its role in social learning.

In sum, this symposium brings together the latest findings regarding face and body perception across various stages of life and in different culture settings. These studies shed insights into the current advances and future directions of the field of early development of face and body perception.

(by J. Yang, Chuo University )
