advanced art and 2d design 

"Silly Spaceship" 

Colorful Butterflies

Thai buffalo 

Which path?

3rd period 

The not so serious substance.

Enjoy the trip 

Was is worth it? 

Its beautiful 

Help some blossom 

The mallard 

Always in my hand 

my comfort food 

addicting pressure 

Over the years of highschool I have tried to add more to each of my pieces. From my sophomore year I have improved with my figure ground relations and the over feeling on my art work. I have worked on filling the background and creating more details with colors and fine pen work. During my early years I was almost scared to add more saturated colors and depth to my artwork. I used my artwork to connect my life and create connections/sense of relief. I used my art to express how I was feeling in my everyday life. This was often prescribed as dark, or too real, but it was one of the only  ways I could feely express how I truly felt. 

I used my feedback and tried to put it into my work, by fully using the paper and creating more variety in my work. I struggled with the changing lessons and keeping up with all the deadlines which reflects on me as a student not an artist. The most challenging aspect of my art career in high school was fitting into the lessons, and not fall behind or get lost in my artwork, I would spend to much time on the wrong things when I should have been fully focused each piece and how I could make each one better than the last instead of worrying about the grade that was attached to it. This made art not as enjoyable as it should have been which took away some of my artist spark, and my ability to express/create because I was more forced on the requirements for each piece rather than what It represented to me and how I wanted it to look or, more importantly how I wanted it to feel. 

I am most proud of my ability to create art that meant something this year. I felt my sustained investigation this year hit the closest to home, the one I was most connected to. I felt this year I put more effort into my work, and truly found my style and materials. Even though I'm not going into art, I'm going to try to incorporate it in my future, drawing what I see and creating art for my future home. I want to be able to keep my skills and create art that I feel fully inspired to create.