sustained investigation #1

the lioness

materials: Plaster of Paris, indigo ink.


When brainstorming ideas to start my sustained investigation I was stumped, in 2d I focused on aquatic animals and I didn't want that's been my main focus in 3D. So I decided to focus on animals that are predominantly in the savanna. For my first I want you to start with a well-known animal like a lion and I had this piece of plaster lying around that I could use and carve out.

I thought it was a basic outline of the lion and the patterns that I was going to carve into the plaster, I was originally going to leave the peace without color but then I thought well you can't really see the carvings so I decided to take a sgraffito approach. By coloring it with a thin layer of water down Indigo ink I found that it didn't deeply pierce the plaster. making it easier so I could have white lines.

Overall I think that this piece was okay not my best and not my worst, pretty mediocre. For the next investigation, I want to put more effort, more detail, and more design to make a more elaborate piece.