donate life

when creating this piece I thought of my mother mostly, she was diagnosed with Leukemia this January she was constantly in and out of the hospital all I wanted to do was donate blood and platelets. I wasn't able to do give her blood at my age. So I started with an idea to do something with blood and then I thought that the heart, the beat that the heart makes, and the heart monitor. this project means a lot to me because of my mother, and her battle with leukemia.

being a doctor has always been on the back of my mind. there are five people in the family who are, I feel as though I could help the world and save those like my mother. being a child when your mother is sick is the hardest thing, art helped me through this time, I was always sending her home mad cards with animals, just so UI could connect with her in some way.

if I were to do this again I would have made it so the lines were less thick, added more color taken my time, and add more detail.