Assemblage Animal Sculpture

The subject of this project is an octopus. It was made by taking trash and making it into something new. I used many different materials: old fabric, news and print paper, magazine paper, cardboard, wire, and bottle caps. I continually referred to octopus images, and taped, glued, and mod-podged the materials together. I chose to make this artwork because I like octopi and marine creatures. I also thought it would look pretty cool. The work is arranged by placing the head in a cardboard base and then sticking the wire at the end of the legs into that base. It is composed with the legs, splayed out, obviously.

Some art elements that are used in my art is emphasis shown in the magazine paper used, and leading lines of the legs that lead you to look at the head and face. My project evolved because, originally, I wasn't going to mod-podge it and I was going to have the octopus hanging, but I did the opposite of both.

The story behind this art project is that we had to cut apart different materials and rearrange them to create something new. I thought a cool way to show that would be an octopus. This project relates to my life because I knew I wanted to create a marine creature. Octopi happen to be my favorite. I think they look really amazing and I wanted to channel that look into my art.