SI #15


HB Pencil

Artist Statement:

For this project, I decided to choose the Minotaur as the creature I would draw. I have been looking back into Greek mythology lately after doing the research about Glaucus. I also recently watched a really old movie that included the Minotaur as one of the characters, and I wanted to take on the challenge of making him look much stronger and cooler than the depiction in the movie.

Since this project is in progress, all I used was some sketch paper and an HB pencil.

My process for this work was to research pictures of different interpretations of this creature. I also researched different weapons and what the legs and heads of bulls looked like. I always like using a lot of different reference images because I feel like my art is more accurate that way. Next, I began a rough sketch, and in doing so came across a slight problem. I could not draw his right hand. Every time I drew it, it just didn't look right and I wasn't satisfied with it. So instead of a hand, I got creative and drew a ball and chain in place of it. I think that made him look a lot more strong and cool, which was my original goal. If I were to add anything else, I would give him some type of clothing, like a kilt, and also draw some brick tunnels in the background.