Photoshop Self-Portrait

Photoshop Self-Portrait


Artist Statement:

The story behind this piece is that the class had to learn how to use photoshop, so we were assigned a project. We had to photoshop a picture of ourselves, outlining and changing the shadows on our faces to a single color. This project relates to my life because I had always wondered how to use photoshop and I am glad that I got to learn how to use it, if only a little bit.

The materials I used for this project was a picture of myself from the Photo Booth app, and the Photoshop app to edit the photo.

I first took the photo of my face and then I made two layers on Photoshop: the layer with the photo and the blank, invisible layer. I knew I wanted to do more bright than natural colors, so on the invisible layer I outlined the shadows on my face with neon blue. Then I filled in the shadows with various shades of yellow. I did do my lips in natural colors though. My project evolved because I changed my hair to the neon blue instead of leaving it a natural color. I also added a background which I was originally not going to do. My next steps would be to clean up the edges in some of the blue lines.