3D Design: Semester 2

Sky Mountains

Butterfly Garden

My experience in this class has been quite a lot different than the ones I've had in other classes. And I think a big part of that was because this is a class specifically for 3D art. The only 3D art I've really ever done is making little clay animals in elementary and middle school. So pushing the boundaries of space for every piece was new and a bit difficult at first, but then it became very fun and new way to express art on the 3D scale and using the space. Creating 3D aspects is something that I now want to consider when making art in the future.

I think my work shows that I have improved not only in this class but as an artist in general. This is because I would have never thought about making a peice that is 3D, so the fact that I actually made 3D art shows me that I have improved. But in this class I think my quality and diversity of sculptures has improved, and I have learned how to create so much more things then general art skills would. I went from just using paper to dabbling back into wire and I even used sticks. I also learned how to quilt and to crochet. I think my work has grown from simple to more complex, and that is mostly shown in my sustained investigation projects.

I think my favorite project which was also the most challenging was the quilt that I made. It was very time consuming and I was learning something new and difficult in a profoundly short time. But given all of that time and effort, I am very pleased with the product and I am glad that it is something that I can put to use. I think my art shows my strengths and weaknesses as an artist because they show how I can harness a skill that I've learned in the past, like with the use of wire, and that I don't do so well when I rush my work or don't have a clear idea, like with the turtle sculpture and the cyclone. Even though I think they look acceptable, maybe if I had spent more time they could have looked even better. I think my work also shows another one of my strengths because I can use a wide range of styles and materials for my work, and I think that is the fun thing about making art and sculptures, and something that I learned in this class: you can make art with anything!