SI #8

Flower of the Gladiators

Felt-tip Markers & Watercolor

Artist Statement:

The thing I chose to do this project on was not exactly a mythological creature, but a flower. I chose to do this project on the Gladiolus flower because it has a very interesting backstory. It is the flower that was given as a gift to the person that won the gladiator fights of ancient Rome. In turn, this flower symbolizes immense strength and resilience. Sometimes the gladiators would also wear a chain of these flowers around their neck because it was said that it could protect them from death. So in a way it is mythical because it was said to have this magical property. This project relates to my life because I really love flowers.

This piece was made with felt-tip markers and watercolor.

My process was to first test out how the colors looked and mix them together. Then I looked at pictures of the flower and made a sketch, then colored it in. I decided to add watercolor splatters to finish the piece because I found it intriguing how the Gladiolus was supposed to protect you from death during the fight, yet it is surrounded by death. The gladiators were only saved from death because the other died. So I felt like it was fitting to add blood spatter around this beautiful flower. My project evolved because as I thought about it, I had the idea to add the watercolor splatter. If I were to change anything it would be to possibly add more flowers and splatter.