Wellness Wishes for October 2012

October 24, 2012

One of my favorite parts of being a counselor is all the "life lessons" I learn in the curriculum . . . One that makes a difference for me is the "Rock vs. Clay" 4th Grade Lesson. Problems come in two shapes/sizes--Rock and Clay. Clay problems are the kind you can "change," but with rock problems you just gotta learn to cope. Coping is how you learn to get along with the problem--music, dancing, writing, talking, "happy thoughts," reading, exercising, etc.

Your "circle of control" involves you and only you. Your choices, thoughts, where you look, what you listen too, how you manage your feelings, where you walk, the words you speak--that YOU can control. There's a freedom to accepting how much of the world is OUT of your circle of control. You are not in charge of what comes to your door, only how you respond to it.

May we have discernment to know what's a rock problem and what is clay. May we choose "A Okay" coping strategies. May we manage our responses to our world in a professional, responsible way . . . little eyes are always watching and learning how to "live life" by the way we go about our business . . .

Be Well on Wednesday and EVERY DAY. Happy Red Ribbon Week,


October 17, 2012

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Breast Cancer is one of the top five health concerns for women (1. Heart Disease 2. Breast Cancer 3. Depression 4. Osteoporosis 5. Autoimmune Diseases). I had the opportunity to hear a representative from Lexington Medical Center share about each of these concerns last night. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in women. There are many, many treatments available. For prevention, she recommended controlling weight, exercising, quitting smoking, and talking to a doctor about risks/screenings. She mentioned that family history is not always an indicator. Just because it hasn't been in your family doesn't ensure it won't . . .

Have you voted for the Lexington Medical Center's Pink Glove Dance Video? If you have a Facebook account, you can vote for LMC's movie. There's a chance for the hospital to win $10,000 that will be donated to the Vera Bradley Foundation.

You can check out the movie: http://www.lexmed.com/

Lexington Medical Center’s 2012 Pink Glove Dance features more than 700 hospital employees dancing on our campus and around our community. It features the story of Lexington Medical Center Nurse Amy Kinard, who was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 34. Today, Kinard is a five-year survivor, passionate about encouraging other women enduring the disease. “Our Pink Glove Dance brings a message to women going through breast cancer to stay strong,” Kinard said. “Women should know breast cancer is not the end of life; your life can be just a good, if not better.” The theme is “Survivor from Day 1,” noting the strength and courage of cancer patients from the moment of diagnosis. More than 20 Lexington Medical Center employees who are breast cancer survivors wear “Survivor from Day 1” shirts in the video We hope Lexington Medical Center’s Pink Glove Dance shows support for everyone fighting cancer.

Be well on Wednesday and EVERYDAY,

D'Etta Broam

October 10, 2012 "Wellness Wishes near the end of Wednesday"

Boy, what a busy, busy day! Here's the "quote of the day" at Values.com yesterday . . .

“Everything we do is infused with the energy with which we do it. If we're frantic, life will be frantic. If we're peaceful, life will be peaceful. And so our goal in any situation becomes inner peace.”

Marianne Williamson (born 1952);

author, lecturer


Peace is freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.

Sometimes (most of the time) our pace is fast and furious. We can't control all that needs to be accomplished or all those who need our time and attention . . . Your circle of control includes YOU--what you think, feel, say and do, your choices . . . choose to be still and find a little peace in all the craziness! Make it a priority in your routine (put first things first) so you don't burn out . . . so you can continue to serve and fight the good fight, good and faithful ones!

October 3, 2012

This is a repeat wellness wish from last December's "12 Days of Wellness" campaign! As educators we know how important it is to review and reinforce skills . . . and for some PHES folks this may be "brand new!" I thought it was timely with the kick off of the "PHES Walking Challenge!"

What's the single best thing you can do for your health? Click the entertaining video link to learn the answer:
