Wellness Wishes Fall 2013

Monday, 9/16/13

“Here’s to teachers who see the AWESOME!”

Kid President has a new video for teachers and students: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwlhUcSGqgs

If you missed the original “Pep Talk” or just want to laugh again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-gQLqv9f4o

“Look for the AWESOME!”

Be well,

D'Etta Broam

Wednesday, 9/11/13

The secret to happiness is . . . RELATIONSHIPS "The Grant Study" is a research project which followed 237 male subjects for 68 years. Supportive relationships were found to be key, "in particular the giving of support to others had the biggest impact on longevity and life happiness."

Thank you for what you do to encourage others every day! Thank you for investing quality time in relationships—with students, parents, colleagues, family, friends . . . It’s good to know others have your back, but it’s better to watch out for others . . .

Mom was right when she told us it was better to GIVE than RECEIVE. J

Be Happy and Be Well,


Thursday, 8/29/13

Mrs. M-C, Mrs. Robbins and I are reinforcing the learning behaviors report card during the Benchmarking process. We are reminding students HOW they behave effects HOW MUCH they learn! As we share "Personal Management" skills and the importance of "Putting First Things First," we emphasize how we "work first then play." During a time of reflection this morning, it struck me that we need to remember "First Things First" is more about "WAITING first then work then play." The "quiet time" we afford ourselves often determines the direction or pace of our day. We end up doing Quadrant 3 work when we don't stop and "center" ourselves. I love Quadrant 2 efforts: What am I really about here? I'm on pace to accomplish what's most important to me? There will always be "to dos!" Janet Cofield once shared, "we are human BEings, not human DOings." BE a little more, DO a little less and the output will be GREATER, more EFFECTIVE. Be well today and everyday!

Thursday, 8/22/13

At my Weight Watchers meeting Monday evening, the leader shared about how getting proper rest is critical to maintaining a healthy weight. Your body produces the hormone leptin when you sleep which is integral to controlling appetite. If we don’t get enough sleep, the lower leptin level causes us to be hungrier and eat more. Tuesday morning my devotion was “Sweet Dreams” and about how lack of rest “causes increased fatigue, hostility, and less attentiveness on the job and our appearance suffers too.” Last night in my yoga class we were discussing Covey’s Time Matrix and sharing what we sacrifice from Quadrant 2 and one yogi shared “sleep.”

Got sleep? We have deprived our bodies and brains of much needed rest to crank up this school year! But we don’t have to continue to be caffeinated insominiacs?! Take care of you and get your ZZZZZZs!

Give yourself time to “parachute down” at night. Take a warm bath. Avoid caffeine at night. Avoid screen time and exercise too late in the evening too. Although there isn’t a “magic number” of how much sleep you need, the National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours for adults. http://www.sleepfoundation.org/article/how-sleep-works/how-much-sleep-do-we-really-need

Give yourself the gift of sleep! Wishing you wellness today and every day,
