Wellness Wishes for Fall 2014

12/19/14--"All the Whos lay a-snooze"

From the National Sleep Foundation:

In general, most healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a night.

Man is the only mammal that willingly delays sleep.

In general, exercising regularly makes it easier to fall asleep and contributes to sounder sleep. However, exercising sporadically or right before going to bed will make falling asleep more difficult.

Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise.

People who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to have bigger appetites due to the fact that their leptin levels (leptin is an appetite-regulating hormone) fall, promoting appetite increase.

Rates of insomnia increase as a function of age, but most often the sleep disturbance is attributable to some other medical condition.

Read more @ http://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-news/25-random-facts-about-sleep

Have a Healthy Holiday! BE WELL in the NEW YEAR,


12/16/14--Sweet Dreams

Next week at Weight Watchers the topic is how sleep affects weight loss! It's a simple truth, but our bodies work better if we rest properly. If your body doesn't feel well, it's hard to make the world a better place like only you can do it . . . Here's a gift, no wrapping paper required, to give yourself this holiday! A good night's rest is actually a gift you're sharing with others too. :-)

Wellness Wishes on Tuesday,


12/12/14--Wellness Wish for the Weekend

Lack of sleep may increase Alzheimer's risk

. . . study suggests that reduced sleep and poor sleep quality may be linked to increased build-up of beta-amyloid plaques in the brains of older adults - a sign of Alzheimer's disease.

The complete article is posted: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/267710.php

Simply stated, during a good night's rest your body has a chance to flush away toxins in your brain. Sleep deprivation interrupts the clean up process. What can we do give ourselves the gifts of better rest and better health this holiday season?

12/5/14--"While Visions of Sugar-Plums Danced in Their Heads"

Are you getting a good night's sleep? Try these relaxing tips before bedtime so you can enjoy better rest:

    • Read a book or magazine by a soft light

    • Take a warm bath

    • Listen to soft music

    • Do some easy stretches

As we get ready for the holidays, I thought we'd zero in on "sleep." We'll explore the benefits of proper rest, and the consequences for scrimping on a good night's sleep . . .


Thank you for sharing your list of "thank yous" in your response to the "12 Days of Thanksgiving" Challenge!

Today's questions to ponder:

What things in your life could you be more thankful for but have never really thought about it before?

How can you help someone you know be more thankful for all they have?

"Being Thankful" is IN your CIRCLE OF CONTROL!



11/27/14 -- Happy Turkey Day!

When you consider the things for which you are thankful, do you consider the people in your life? Have you ever told them what a difference they have made in your life?

I am thankful to be a PHES Cougar! I learn something new every day from the tall and the small on our campus. Thank you, PHES Cougars, for making the world a better place and for making me a better person. Happy Turkey Day and Happy Thanks Living!

11/25/14 -- Thanks Living

Once again, this Thanksgiving season, I heard that the happiest folks are those who are grateful. "Thanks Living" Idea #1: Besides the obvious, name two or three things you have in your life for which you are thankful.

When considering "teaching through" a behavior challenge, it works best for me when I'm rested and generally taking better care of myself. Here's a Wellness Wish to start off the new school year: "Sharpen the Saw" as we crank up our 2014-15 fun!

Mrs. Moo is interested in walking after school, maybe meet on the track after duties if you'd like to join her? We're all pushing right now to be ready for this first week, but don't forget to breathe and relax, however it's right for you, drink water, rest, etc. You do some better thinking when you're hydrated and rested. If you don't put the "oxygen mask" on yourself first, you can't help other people do it?!

Thank you for doing what you do and taking care of yourself so you can keep on keeping on doing what you do!