Promise to Win-Win

Sing "Hole in the Bottom of the Sea"

Review Penguins and how they PRIORITIZE! Share the Penguin Acrostics that students created. These will be available in the Learning Commons.

Introduce the Leadership Lesson for today begins group skills. Up until now, more individual effort. Now more team process.

Read Mr. Duck Means Business by Tammi Sauer. How do they compromise so everybody WINS?

Discuss what compromise means: "Not YOUR Way, Not MY Way, OUR Way!"

Pull the "tug of war" rope, nobody WINS. Introduce the idea of how "war" happens when two cannot compromise . . .

Have students chitchat about:

(1) Where to go on vacation

(2) What to eat for supper

(3) What to do during indoor recess

Did anyone have to compromise? If so, how did you work it out? Sharing, Compromising, take turns, etc. are all WIN-WIN solutions.

Share how compromise without heart has "NO PROMISE." Use the plastic heart container and bananagrams--break the heart and spell out "compromise." If you take out the communication, disastrous results. Read Tadpole's Promise by Jeanne Willis to drive home the point.


WIN-WIN includes compromise, sharing, taking turns, "chance" (flip a coin, "rock, paper, scissors")--Everybody walks away with a smile. :-)

Banana! by Ed Vere--sharing