Steenberg 'B'

Location: The gullies and ledges on the face to the left of the prominent ridge (Lakeside Ridge) on Lower Steenberg Peak above Boyes Drive, Lakeside

Overview: An enjoyable scramble route. Good in winter as it is catches the morning sun, warms up and dries out quickly.

Route Description:

Park either at the SAN Park sign for the path between Muizenberg Pk. and Lower Steenberg Pk. OR in Service Road / Bunker Road, Lakeside. Although possible to descend the gully on the far side of the Lakeside ridge, the most pleasant descent is via the path to the SAN Park sign on Boyes Drive.

Slog up the slope above Boyes Drive (maybe overgrown) aiming for the corner of the fence around the Stonehurst Estate, then angle up a steep section to the 'Hidden Gully'. Ascend this, then the ramp below a cliff of orange rock.

Now follow the stone cairns (beacons) in a bit of a zig zagging line that leads eventually to a long crouching traverse to the right under a cliff. More zig zagging and traversing leads towards the right hand ridge and several short scrambles and up to a large sloping friction slab. Above this move over left , passing below the large 'Window" into a corner under a massive chockstone. The short climb up to and out below this chockstone opening is the trickiest part of the route.

Descent: From the summit either follow beacons down a bushed up gully on the West side past Abduruman's cave and then to the Navy Signals masts, OR follow a beaconed track South down the ridge towards Muizenberg Pk and the path back to Boyes Drive.

MM Lower Steenberg 'B'