Devil's Peak Oppelskop Ridge 

Location: Oppelskop is the NW ridge on the front of Devil's peak i.e. the first ridge left of the Saddle when viewed from Cape Town.   OSM map

Overview: This pleasant scramble is accessed from either of the 2 contour paths traversing Devil's Peak from the Saddle Zig Zag path. The prominently visible Fire Watcher's old stone shelter is a major feature on the ridge. Although getting a bit overgrown in patches, this is still an enjoyable and interesting scramble, with great views.

Route Description:

There is a SAN parks sign on the Table Mountain road some way beyond Platteklip Gorge, at the start of the Saddle Zig Zag path opposite a parking area which currently has large Bluegums. Half way up the Zig Zag path there is a sign for the first contour (460 m level traverse), which should be taken. 

Where the contour almost rounds the first prominent ridge, take the second scramble path (the first is an eroded wrong shortcut) up the ridge to the ruin of the Fire Watcher's shelter. Continue along the ridge crossing the higher contour and scrambling on the ridge or in gullies on the right. End at a junction with the path up Devil's Peak from the Saddle. 

MM Oppelskop Ridge slideshow