Blind Gully

Location: A truncated ravine between Blinkwater and Porcupine ravines on the 12 Apostles. OSM map

Overview: A reasonably popular scramble route that branches off from the Diagonal path. Somewhat bushy due to a profusion of prickly Climber's Friend bush.

Route Description:

Start up the Diagonal path, and a short way before reaching the big Cave look for a cairn indicating a faint track back towards Blinkwater direction. This meanders across to a saddle overlooking Blinkwater ravine. An overgrown path now heads up next to the watercourse, but a bit higher it is possible to use the watercourse for quite some way in dry weather to avoid the bush. Eventually you are forced back onto the bushy path that continues steeply up into the left hand part of a split gully. At the top an exposed traverse leads out right, then up, and back left to a tea spot below the big blocky top of Blinkwater Needle. Now traverse right (South) below a cliff and up to an ascending traverse path going East with several short rock steps. The proper 'Blind Gully' is a steep rocky scramble quite high up, and after that the track meanders to eventually come out on top near the path to the Back Table.

Note: originally the start was much lower between Diagonal and Blinkwater ravine and headed up to the start of the gully next to the bottom of Blinkwater needle. Apart from the bush this involved a short awkward rock pitch that is avoided by the approach described above.

MM Blind Gully (text_