Table Mountain

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All Trails lists 135 trails on Table Mountain, with considerable overlap

Table Mountain areas:

Table Mountain (TM) is the best documented of all the climbing areas in the Western Cape and there are many books and maps available. The routes listed are primarily the walking and scrambling routes and some of the easy climbs. There are, however, hundreds of rock climbing routes which are not listed - see the relevant climbing guides for information on these.

The routes are described under the following five main areas

    • Front Face (North) - including Devils Peak, the main front face of TM overlooking the city, and Lions Head.

    • Atlantic (West) - includes the "Twelve Apostles". Has the most routes of many different grades.

    • Newlands (East) - has fewer routes than the west, but includes some of the longest routes on TM with 1000m of climbing.

    • Orange Kloof (South) - a restricted area requiring a permit to enter, but has some interesting routes.

  • Back Table - included for completeness, this central part of TM links all the areas together.

One or more overview pictures and maps are also provided in each area.

See also the Peninsula page for information on Table Mountain National Park (TMNP)