Constantia Corner


Start from Constantia Nek OSM map


A very popular pleasant short route up the SE corner of Table Mountain with alternating views of Orange Kloof and the city. Passes the famous Camel Rock. The route has a south aspect which supports a very attractive display of fynbos, especially in spring.

Route Description

From the parking at Constantia Nek, either go up the jeep track to Eagles Nest, or take the path that goes straight up. Where the jeep track does a sharp hairpin turn just below Eagles Nest, walk south to the dead-end turning circle. Take the path at the end of this up to the nek between Eagles Nest and Constantia Corner.

There is a clear path all the way up, with some easy scrambling here and there. The path alternates between looking over into Orange Kloof and the southern suburbs, providing great views all the way. Shortly after reaching the top, the path descends through a gap in the rock bands with shady overhangs on both sides. Always makes a good tea spot.

About 200m beyond this spot and 100m after one has passed a shallow nek, one reaches the famous Camel rock. A good portrait spot posing between the Camels legs, or, even better, climb up the inside of the Camel! (This is a Grade 3 or 4 scramble and should not be attempted by the un-supple - it is a bit of a contortion!)

A few hundred metres further on one meets the jeep track and the edge of the De Villiers Dam. There are a range of return routes from here. The quickest is back down the jeep track, but there are a range of fun routes through Cecelia forest, including Cecelia Ravine, Cecelia Ridge and a number of paths through the forest. Except that the forest is being rapidly felled at this time (2011) so there may be little forest left! But give it a few years and the fynbos will be back...

Dogs: While many do take dogs on this route there are a couple of rock steps where large or older dogs may struggle, so take care.

Fabulous views over Karbonkelberg, Hout Bay, Judas Peak and Orange Kloof

MM Constatia Corner