'Skywalk' - Right Face to Plattelklip

Location: Front of Table Mountain. Overview: Sometimes called "Skywalk" this variation follows a traverse line at approx. 700m from Union Ravine around Platteklip Buttress into Platteklip Gorge.

Route Description: Depends on what you decide to do to get to the top of Union Ravine!

Start off the Contour path where it crosses the bottom of Union ravine and a track leads up to Union Cave. Bypass the cave on the left with some scrambling step ups and traverse into the watercourse above the cave or continue up the bushy slope.

Now the choice is either to continue up the diagonal line of an easy but bushy slope to under the steep rock band and then left along a ledge and around the corner into Platteklip.

OR cross over right and follow the tributary watercourse of Yellowstone Gully (marked with beacons/cairns) up to the big bushy slope left of Right Face buttress. Now traverse left under the cliff and onto the ledge that leads into Platteklip. NB this route is a bit bushy on the traverse and currently (Dec 2019) very bushy getting across to the Platteklip path.

MM Skywalk