Carrel's Ledge

Location: A 'B' scramble ledge that starts off the Smut's Track and cuts across Ascension Buttress at a high level NB It is often done N-S starting from near the Fir Tree stream but is harder to find the start.

Overview: Hikers with Acrophobia or Vertigo should avoid this route.

Route Description:

Carrel's Ledge viewed from the top of Ascension Ravine. The easiest way to find this feature (allegedly named after Carrel, the Alpine Guide) is off the Smut's Track a short distance before Maclear's Beacon. As you reach the last scramble uphill, take a vague path through the fynbos leading off to the right.

The traverse across this ledge has an awkward move around a rock rib, where one is pushed out over a scary drop. Sections of the Ledge are often muddy, requiring careful foot placement, and some lumbago crouching is needed at other parts. At the far end the ledge broadens and a vague path may be found leading around to the vlakte below Maclear's Beacon.

Carell's Ledge